Roommates (Part 1)

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A/N: this is going to be a long oneshot, but I will write it anyways. This is an 8th year AU.

Harry's Point of View

"...Parkinson, Granger; Zabini, Weasley; Malfoy, Potter. No complaints, no switches. These are your roommates for your eighth year. Pick a dormitory off this common room and remember, there are no Houses, just students." McGonagall finished reading off the long scroll and exited the common room.

There was an uproar as the students who were paired with a friend celebrated, and those who wanted someone else yelled furiously at McGonagall's retreating back. Harry frowned at the Sorting Hat's choice of roommates for him, but it knew best. He would just have to accept this for what it was.

"So, Potter," Draco drawled, mouth twisting in half a smirk. "Better get a move on before all the good-looking dorms are taken."

"You can pick it, if you like," Harry said, wanting to get Draco on his good side. Draco looked taken aback, but quickly regained his usual swagger.

He was halfway up the stairs to the dormitory before Harry realized he'd left. Quickly following, he watched as Draco pushed open various doors down the hall until he found one he liked. When Draco disappeared into one entirely, Harry knew he'd found the right one.

Harry walked into the room and was immediately met with the sight of a small living area directly in front of him, two doors to his left, and a kitchenette to his right.

"This is the one, huh?" he asked Draco, who was testing out the squishiness of the couch.

"I think so. What's behind those doors?" he nodded to the unassuming white doors on Harry's right.

Harry shrugged and propped the nearest one open. "Bathroom." He opened the door slightly to the right of the bathroom. "Bedroom." 

Draco jumped up from the couch and ran past Harry to get a better look. "Bottom bunk's mine," he proclaimed immediately.

Harry nodded his approval and magically floated up to the wide top bunk. "Who's going to cook? Since we're not allowed to eat in the Great Hall, someone needs to do it."

Draco visibly swallowed. "Can you? Because I... well, I fail anytime I try, so unless you like charred lumps..." he trailed off, looking ashamed.

Draco's Point of View

Draco sincerely wished Harry wasn't wondering why he was being so nice, but Draco just wanted being roommates to not have too many problems. And it would be a lot easier if they could just get along.

"Sure, I can," Harry said easily. "I have lots of practice. But I don't do meat. Do you mind being vegetarian?"

"Not at all," Draco said, relieved. "I actually hate eating meat, but if I complained when the Dark Lord was in the Manor, he... he would... he would lock me in the dungeon. Say that if I wasn't okay with meat, I shouldn't be allowed to eat. But the idea of eating something dead, something that didn't have to be killed...." he fought back a gag.

Then realized he'd just admitted the Dark Lord's abuse to Harry Potter. His roommate.

Harry looked shocked. "I thought, since you're a Death Eater, he'd treat you better. I'm sorry." He looked like he truly meant it.

"Was. I was a Death Eater. Against my will." Sometime during the conversation, Harry had floated down to the bottom bunk to sit beside Draco. Draco only noticed now because Harry had scooted closer.

"Want to talk about it?" Harry said.

And though he didn't know it, those five words made all the difference to Draco.

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