Treehopper x Tau

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So, I just found out that these two actually exist in Wings Of Fire and @Karbazagar wants me to write about them, so I am. Thanks for reading! 

It was night. Midnight. The only time of the day where Tau could see her true love, her mate, her partner in life. Because it was so dark, Tau could barely see his shape. But when she saw his clear wings and yellow scales, she knew it was him. Cinnabar always told her to be careful when she sees Treehopper. 

Remember to check for his white eyes before you act all lovey dovey, Cinnabar would say. 

Of Course, Of Course, Tau would reply. So now Tau was off to greet Treehopper. Tau acted like a servant but when his face brightened when he saw her, she tore off the act. Treehopper's face was so handsome and so innocent. The fact that Queen Wasp had him under her control made her angry. 

"Tau," Treehopper sigh, happily. "I've been waiting all day to see your beautiful face," he smiled. Tau smiled back and gave him a hug. He hugged her back, happy to earn the affection. Tau breathed in his scent and she was sure that he was doing the same. Treehopper smelt like cinnamon and apples. It was Tau's favourite scent. 

"Treehopper, you would't believe the day I've had," Tau started talking. They talked about her day most of the night then they talked about his. Apparently, Treehopper had to fly out of the hive to capture three SilkWings, one HiveWing, and a LeafWing. In between every word, Tau would brush her wing with his and then they would blush. 

But as their day was going great, Queen Wasp had to choose the time take control of the HiveWing's minds. "We are preparing for battle," the queen said through Treehopper. "Meet me at the edge of the Poison Jungle." Tau lifted her head and stared at Treehopper as he flew away out of the Hive. Then all the other HiveWings flew out of the hive. Tau started to tear up, she watched helplessly as her Treehopper flew into the night sky. 

"No!" Tau shouted when the HiveWings were gone. "You can't take my Treehopper to battle, you witch!" Tau screamed. She opened her wings and started to fly. But then what seems to be a boulder that hit her and Tau fell to the floor. "GET OFF ME!" She cried. 

"You can't save him!" Cinnabar screamed in Tau's ear. "It's to late!" Tau started to sob and she didn't care that all the SilkWings could see her. She didn't care that her love with Treehopper was forbidden. She just wanted to save him. 

"My Treehopper..." Tau cried. 

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