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I would just like to say that this would be the last One-Shot in this book. I would like to apologise to @Karbazagar because I couldn't make a Mangrove and Orchid One-Shot. I'm sorry, it's just I had no ideas for them. Maybe if I make another One-Shot book, then maybe I'll put them in if I have any ideas.  Anyway, enjoy the book. P.S don't judge me...I love Twilight

Peril's POV

It was chilly night outside, the stars were shining really bright. The halls and caves of Jade Mountain Academy were empty. And this was because everyone was on the top of Jade Mountain dancing and singing. Everyone was having fun, even Winter and Tsunami. Everyone, except Peril of the SkyWings. Peril watched sadly as the dragons clapped talons and spun around with their partners. It was like being at Ruby's party all over again. 

Maybe Tsunami was happy because her Riptide was there and that Glory and Deathbringer were here too. Peril's piercing blue eyes scanned the dance floor. Moon was dancing with Qibli. She was wearing a cute little moon shaped necklace and Qibli was wearing an amber armband. Kinkajou was on the dance floor dancing with Winter (totally  because he wanted too and not that she pushed him on the dance floor). Glory was half dancing with Deathbringer and half flirting. Deathbringer was the same except seemed to get more and more smug, not as if it's possible. The NightWing was practically the definition of smug and prideful. 

Tsunami was watching Riptide as he pushed her to dance. Starflight was trying to dance with Fatespeaker but it was failing spectacularly. He kept on trampling her talons with his. Sunny was dancing with Auklet and Cliff. Clay on the other hand was nowhere to be found. So, it was just Turtle and Peril sitting on the side. It was kind of annoying, but at least she had Turtle. 

"I have an idea," Turtle said, suddenly. Peril rolled her eyes and looked at Turtle. What stupid idea does he have now, Peril thought. "If we don't get partners for a dance by the next dance, then we dance together," Turtle proposed. 

" a REALLY stupid idea," Peril argued. "How do you plan on dancing with me with your flammable scales?" 

"First off, it's is not a stupid idea," Turtle said, sounding a little offended. "Second off, my scales are indestructible, remember?" he asked. 


"Hey Turtle! Hi Peril!" Kinkajou smiled. Turtle faced Kinkajou and he looked like his face just melted. Surprisingly, it was really hard to not laugh. "Turtle, do you want to dance?" Kinkajou asked. He looked so happy and then he faced Peril. Uh, say something not that, Peril thought. 

"Go, it's fine," Peril sighed. "Have fun, I'll be fine," she sighed. 

"Thanks Peril!" Turtle smiled. Then it was just Peril and the empty spot next to her. She watched helplessly at the two dragons dancing. Why can't I be normal?

-------Five Hours later-----

The party was over and Peril was just staring at the dance floor again. There was no one on it, so it was the perfect time to dance on her own. The band was still there so, when they saw her dance, they started to play some music. It wasn't slow but it also wasn't fast. She closed her eyes and swayed to the music. But, then when she heard wings flapping, she turned around and saw Clay. The band stopped and watched them. "Hey Peril," Clay greeted. Peril looked at him and she was sure she felt all mushy and melty like Turtle. "What are you doing all the way out here?" 

"Uh..." Peril started. Maybe it was time to tell him. Maybe it was time to ask him. He certainly looked ready. "Um, Clay, will you dance with me?" Clay's face was full of emotions. He looked shocked but also flattered. Then he also looked relieved.

"I-I don't really know, I'm not a really good dancer," Clay sighed. Peril nodded her head sadly and started to walk away. Why did you ever think that he would dance with you, Peril thought angrily. You're just a no good, dragon killer, murder. "Actually, on second thought, I would love to dance with you," Clay said. 

Peril turned around and walked toward Clay. He opened his wings and she opened hers. The band looked at them and smiled and started to play 'Bella's Lullaby'. Clay and Peril danced and danced. Clay didn't mind the fact that his wings were burning. They didn't care that they were being watched by Glory, Deathbringer, Tsunami, Riptide, Starflight, Fatespeaker, and Sunny. They just danced and danced. 

To Peril this dance felt heaven. Like the dance and Clay were the only important things in the world. So, when it ended, it made Peril sad. "Well," Peril sighed. "You were right about one thing, you are not a good dancer." Clay looked down and Peril lifted up his snout. "You're a great dancer." 

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