1: Pregnancy Cravings

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[AN: Don't ask me how Gulf became pregnant. This is fanfiction, for f*s sake. If you didn't read the summary, there will be no specific timeline for this. Sometimes he's pregnant, sometimes he gave birth. Definitely OC.]

1: Pregnancy Cravings

Mew didn't know what to do anymore.

He had heard of husbands' ridiculous stories of their wives going through pregnancy cravings and thought that it wasn't that difficult to give in to their spouses' requests. Ice cream at dawn? Sour mangoes with shrimp paste in the wee hours of the night? Easy. They just had to buy what their wives want. He has the money; how hard could it be?

Exactly how hard it was, came to him when Gulf was three months pregnant.

He was used to Gulf whining even without a fetus inside of him. He would sometimes request eating pork basil at night when they were still in college, or else invite him to Korean bbq restaurants just before closing time.

Now that he is pregnant, the requests were getting out of hand.

"Gulf, calm down!" he shouted as a flower vase almost hit his face. He just came back, feeling proud of himself, for delivering an ungodly request at 12am. Spaghetti with sauerkraut and peanut butter... from Thai express.

Gulf hated sauerkraut and he definitely wasn't a fan of peanut butter. And as if to make it more complicated, he wanted it to be from a popular Thai fastfood chain... which doesn't sell spaghetti and closes at 8pm. Mew felt thankful that he knows the manager, so even when he begged at 11pm for them to open up, he didn't get strange looks and wasn't judged.

"I told you I wanted the chunky kind of peanut butter!" Gulf shouted, grabbing a random vase yet again and aiming it at Mew. "Look at this, it's so runny! Who would eat this?!"

Mew thought requesting peanut butter on spaghetti with tomato sauce was already inedible, but he didn't want to contradict his sensitive husband over this matter. What's more, the cook told him that some people who are not pregnant do add peanut butter to their spaghetti sauce. It was the sauerkraut which ruined everything. It made the sauce too watery.

"Baby, calm down please." He grabbed Gulf's wrist and carefully removed the vase from his hand. "It was really chunky when it was made, but because of the travel time it softened." He explained kindly.

"Are you blaming me for the travel time? Thai express is just 20 minutes from our house, FYI."

"Not blaming, love. It's not your fault."

"You're tired of this aren't you? I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to do this request."

"What? No! I want it... It's for you. It's for the baby."

Gulf pursed his lips, his eyes turning red. The waterworks are starting. Mew panicked.


"You hate it! Fine! I'm not going to request anything anymore!" he burst into tears and wailed. Real fat tears leaked from his eyes and Mew raised his hand in an attempt to wipe it, or hug Gulf, he couldn't decide. He felt that every single movement of his is awaiting violent reaction.

"I just wanted this baby to have some nutrition is that bad?! I'm cooped up in the house and there's nothing to eat, what's wrong with asking a simple favor?" Gulf continued to cry.

It definitely wasn't a simple favor, Mew thought. And to say that there's nothing to eat was an insult. Their refrigerator was full from top to bottom with all kinds of food which he had stashed, thinking that one of those might be Gulf's cravings. But Gulf always acted like he wanted to vomit upon opening it, and wouldn't even look at his favorite plate of pork basil.

It stressed out Mew.

"Aw baby, come here." Mew tried the gentle approach. He joined all kinds of parenting pages on facebook. Husbands on forums told him this thing is normal. He hugged Gulf and patted his back. "I want the best for you and the baby. Whatever it is that you want, just ask me, I'll do anything." He said, and he meant it.

He was ecstatic when they both knew they were going to be parents. They weren't short on money and he had no plans to cost cut on anything that involves their baby. He even asked Gulf to stop working for the meantime so he won't be stressed while being pregnant.

"Really?" Gulf hiccuped on Mew's chest. "I'm not bothering you?" he asked.

"No. Not at all." Mew assured him.

Gulf wiped his tears and smiled at him. "Thank you babe." He pinched Mew's nose fondly.

Mew heaved an internal sigh of relief. He loves it when Gulf smiles. He kissed his tear-soaked eyes and smiled back.

"You really don't want to eat that anymore?" Mew pointed at the opened pack of freshly cooked food on the table.

"No." Gulf said.

"Then, I'll keep it in the fridge in case you change your mind ok?" So what if Gulf doesn't want it anymore after the efforts he went through? He vowed to be the most understanding husband for this family. Cravings are normal.

"What? No! That's ridiculous." Gulf said as if Mew was out of his mind.


"I just wanted to smell it!" Gulf said.

What was the point then in being angry if the peanut butter was chunky or not?! Mew screamed in his mind. He went all the way and knocked on his friend's door near midnight just to ask for some unworldly food trend and his husband here just wanted to smell it.

"Y-you just wanted to smell it?" Mew asked, trying hard not to faint.

"Yeah!" Gulf said as a matter-of-fact. "You think you can convert that in a candle? I like to light one and smell it every night."

Mew tried his best not to cry.

[AN: How many times have I mentioned ridiculous in this chapter alone? Lol.

Shoutout to bluegurlsh1790    here you go. mpreg cracks. haha]

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