Chapter 8: Courts And Beatings

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-Few Days Later-

Ein's Pov

I Was Chained to the Floor, Military Police to my right and The Survey Corps Top Ranked Female officer And Survey Corp Members To my Left, the Judge Said "What Has this Young lady Been Sentenced To..." The Military General Came up and Said "We'd Like to Take her and Keep her Contained.. To Never see the Light Of day Again..She'll Learn a Less And Probably Die there" Before the Survey Corps Leader walked Up I Spoke up  Laughing Maniacly, They All Gasped with Wide Eyes  I Said " You Think thats Scary...Sweetheart..Ive Seen Scary your a Fucking Puppy Compaired to What ive Seen..." I I Smirked Laughing Lightly

"Your All A Bunch Of Cowards...And Low Life Tax taking Pigs..." I Narrowed my eyes at All of them as they Gasped, Suddenly The Military Came over grabbing my Chains Yanking me Up and the Judge of this Dismissed us, And I Was Taken to the Wall...

Eren's Pov

Ein Was Sent To Court and we Were All Sent to the Field To get Ready For whatever The Officers Had Plan, I Ran Along the Wall Me and my Squad Stared  In Aw at what we were Witnessing we Saw Thomas Get Eatten I Screamed "Noooo!" And Chased after the Titan I Lunged Into the Hair to Get Chomped by a titan Losing my leg Falling onto the Roof Sliding forward Laying there. I Opened my eye Abit Seeing a Titan Holding Armin in the Air above his Mouth I MUmbled "Armin..." I Got Up Jumping hooking over he Dropped Armin in His mouth I Jumped in grabing his Arm Pulling him Out reaching for him to help me But he wasnt Fast Enough...

Armin's Pov

I Watched Eren's Arm Come Flying off and The Titan Close his Mouth With Eren In it I Screamed and Said "EREN!" I Remained Still in Shock...Why Eren...Why Eren...I Sat there as the Titan Walked off...Thinking i Was Already Dead to I Watched as They All Walked Passed me ...Erens Gone...Eins Probably In Jail or Dead From Exacution...I Only Have Mikasa And Christian...Im Basicly alone...

 I Went back to the Wall Shaking I Sat there Shaking, As Ein Came Out chained and Pushed to Her Knees They UnChained her and Said " Dont Do Anything stupid" She Looked at me and Ran over She Said " Armin....Wheres Eren..." I Looked at her Crying Looking down She Grabbed my hand and A Tear Came Down her cheek as She Cried and Said "N-No...Please Say Hes Not Dead..J-Just Hurt ARMIN! PLEASE!" I Looked at her In Shock

Seeing she Cared For Eren...And Didnt hate Him Anymore...She Cried And The Man LEading the Mission The Highest Rank Told Her to Get Going She Got Up Backing Up to the Outer Edge and Looked at me Had tears Still Coming...She Shook her head and Took her Jacket off Along with her gear droping it everyone Looked in Shock She Then breathed In Running Towards the Edge The Military Officeres Screamed "STOP HER!" She Jumped Bitting Down Into her Wrist and a Burst Of Lightning and Air Blowed In my face And The Dust Cleared

Leaving Infront of Me...Ein...In Her Titan Form She Looked at Me And Then Looked at the Bolder and Shrieked Out a Roar Some What like a Sad Cry, We All Watched In Shock as She Ran Toward the Bolder Holding Nothing back to the other titans as She Kicked them To the Side and Kept Running.

Go End This Ein...For Eren

Eren's Pov

I Blacked Out Opening my Eyes To See Nothing But Titans Smoke And I Stepped out of the Corpst Making a Loud Thump When Stepping, I Felt PowerFul, I Felt Safe, And I Felt Like I Could Do Anything When I Look and See Ein's Titan Form Trying to Lift the Bolder, I Ran over Kicking Titans off of her Roaring,Ein Turned Around Seeing Me...I Ran over And She Got In a Fighting stance, I Stopped In my Tracks Looking at her Running for the Bolder I Hurried Trying to Pick it Up, She Then Realised and Grabbed the other Side And We Lifted it Up And I Felt a Titan Bit The Shit of my Titan Body,  I Looked accidenly Droping the Rock..

Ein Hurried Picking it up over Her Head She Looked at me my Eyes Widened And She Said Through her Mind " Take IT! ILL FIGHT THEM OFF!" I Grabbed it And it Felt Like a Thousand Pounds was Crushing Me Even a Ton, She grabbed the Titan off Of Me Ripping it in Half Roaring  She Walked Infront of me as I Walked Towards the Open Gate, She Saw a 20 Meter Titan...5 Meters over her. She Ran At him Charging he Charged Back and they Smashed Into Eachother She Grabed His Waist Flipping him over a Gust of Smoke Flew Everywhere

I Kept Walking I Saw her Lift her Leg Up smashing it Down The Titan below her Going Silent the Rock Started Slipping She Looked at me Running over grabbing my Arms Helping me Lift it Up We Walked SlowlY Towards the Gate I HEard Christian and Armin Scream " GO!" And We Smashed it into the Broken Gate She Fell To her Knees and Onto her Side And I Fell on my knees Laying against the Rock I I broke Free But I Looked

And Saw Ein Wasnt Out Yet...I Got Up Running Towards Her Titan Body And I Went Over Grabing a Blade that Was On the Ground and Yelled Stabing it Into the Place Were Stored in the back of the Neck...Ein Please be Okay...


Im Simple One Hell Of a Writer if I Can Post Two things In One Day...Might Get a 3rd One up Later. <3

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