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Both Trainees

Both Have Hatred For Eachother

Both Serving Humanity

Both have a Secret..

But Only One Knew Theirs. 


Ein, Daughter of Enitao And Letica Teno,  Joining Survery Corp, Is what Her plan was, Her brother only 17 And Deciding what he was going to do, and Ein only 10, the Year of 845, She had Only one friend, Genna (Pronounced Gen-A), She Was Speaking with her Father, She never Really had a Good Relationship with her Father, He was a Type of Doctor Came Back and Forth From Home in Shiganshina District To Wall Rose, She never Knew What he Had His Design of Doctoring In But she kept her Mouth shut until she heard a Scream and Saw The boy she used to know Armin...He was Pushed against the Wall By a few boys yelling at him my eyes widened and ran outside.

I Screamed at them "H-Hey!!" They looked at me and Gasped Armin looked at me with Shock, They Guys went back to what they were doing I Quickly ran into the house grabbing a egg running outside, Throwing it at the Guy who has Armin Pinned, It hit his head Spilling ontop of it he Growled Lowly Looking at me my Eyes Widened, And I Started Running Arming Screamed "EIN!!!" And the guys chased me I Held my dress and Kept running my red hair glowing through the Air and in my face I Pushed throught the crowed and into The Small Street like Side walk they were still behind me I Kept Running Turning a Corner Being Grabbed I Struggled And twisted The Boy Shhh'd me and my eyes widened I looked to See Armin, He Smiled Slightly, Armin was One of my bestfriends Before Eren Turned Mean and Venomes.

Thats When I Stopped Talking to them...But Armin always tried to talk to me I Just wouldnt Listen, He Uncovered my Mouth and the Guys Ran past the little Alley yelling my Name, Telling my to Get back here, Calling me a brat, I Whimpered When They Spoke About my Mother. She Had Passed away A While back now All i had was my Step mother, And my Father gone all the time, and myB Brother out trying to decide what to Join...Since he had his training already and was in top 10, in 5 years...Ill be sent there..To Do my Deed...Survey Corps is Waiting for me... Armin Grabbed my Wrist holding me against the wall looking out of the alley way And we walked out me olding a side of my dress off the ground, Then Suddenly we heard some one yell

"Hey! You BRATS I Found you..." my eyes Widened as the ran at us, I Pushed Armin and I Got tackled I Winced And Tried to push them off but they held my shoulders and Punched me in my side I yelped and Held my ribs, As they Smacked my  Face and Punched my side I Yelped over and over again as one of the guys held armin back, and I heard "Hey!" They look up seeing Eren Running this Way but they didnt run But as Soon as they Saw Mikasa Behind him they Said "Shit!!" and Ran. I Coughed holding my side  Eren Stared Daggers At me But Smiled Slightly at Armin Mikasa had that Blank Face but walked over Helping me up.

Me And mikasa Were Friends..Still Are...But she Chose Eren When We Fought Which i didnt Mind, he is his Adopted Sister in a way. eren Said " So Armin...What are you Doing with Ein..." Armin when to say something When we heard Complete silence the Animals Stopped The People Stopped talking, We Saw a Shadow go over the Wall We Ran to the Middle of town To see...

A Titan...

We All Stared in Amazement But yet in Shock and Fear. I Shook my head And Said "N-No Way...T-That Walls..." Eren Replyed " 55 Feet Tall...." my Eyes Widened And  Everyone screamed when a Gust of Wind Flew By us I Gripped onto all three of them Rocks Flying past us I Felt my hand Slip from Armins...and Mikasa's And I Whimpered and tried to Grip on my feet flew off the ground and  I accidenly Let go Eren Reached Grabbing my hand and Said " This IS the only time Ill ever Help you.." And Pulled me Down Wrapping me in his Arm And Armin Grabbed his Fore Arm and the Wind Stopped we Looked up and I Gasped as I Saw titans Getting in, I tryed to stay Calm, But I Gasped And the Titans Walked in and Rocks Flew EveryWhere hitting people and Houses But I Saw my House get Hit I Screamed Falling almost to my knees

I Hurried and Ran but armin reached for me they all three Saw my brothers Dead Body, I Screamed Falling to him he was Crushed by a few bricks from the house and had a peice of Glass in his arm He wasnt dead yet which Shocked me he Gargled And Gasped and Said "Ein...Go.." I Shook my head Grabbing his Shirt and Said "  No YOU CANT GO!" He Shook his head and Said " I have No Choice..." I Said "You Do YOU REALLY DO! Ill ill Dig you out and...And...We'll leave" He Said " Ein..." He Pointed Acrossed from us and I Saw One of his Legs" my eyes widened and I Teared Up "no..No...Please..." He whispered "G-Go...Save our Step mother" I Shook my head But I felt Someone Grab me And Lift me Up onto there BAck my eyes were clouded by tears I wiped them Away

To See Armin And Eren Said " Just Leave her...LEt her Die he--" And He Got Punched Before he Could Continue by Mikasa... She Said "Stop being Mean Eren...Shes our Age...Just Lost Her Brother What if it Wa--" Suddenly another Bundle of rocks Hit Houses and Eren and Mikasa Gasped before Running, Armin Said "lets get out of here..." he Ran and saw a Survey Corps Soldier and told him About Mikasa and Eren The man Grabed both of us To the Boat and I blacked Out When I Saw a Rock head Straight for us While we were Running...

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