I Can't Care About Anything But You // BakuSero One-Shot

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So, this was originally going to angsty, but I don't wanna do that to myself, so here's a Singer!Sero AU. I'm sorry if you find this stuff kind of cringy, but if you do, feel free to not read it.

No Quirks

As Hanta got back to his dorm after classes, he looked around and decided that he needed to clean it. Nobody was around, so he might as well sing while he did.
And so, the basic looking teen went and put on Lovefool by The Cardigans, getting out and broom and beginning to sweep his carpet, thoughts of his crush entering his heads as he began to sing the lyrics.

Katsuki grumbled to himself, wondering what that noise was beneath his dorm (A/N: Sero's dorm room is right underneath Bakugou's, for the sake of plot :3). He sighed, getting up from his desk and leaving his room. The ash-blonde took the elevator to the floor beneath his and trudged to the room where the noise was coming from.

Hanta Sero. The sign on the door read. Shit, this was his crush's room!
But before Katsuki could panic, he heard singing coming from inside. The lyrics were those of a love song, Lovefool by The Cardigans if he had to guess.

Iconic. He has a sense of taste. He snorted quietly to himself and listened to him singing.

"Love me, love me
Say that you love me
Leave me, leave me
Just say that you need me..."

Katsuki leaned against the door as he listened, not knowing that it wasn't closed and ended up falling flat on his face, cutting off Sero as he was singing.

"I can't care about anything but you-"

Sero looked at Katsuki as he looked up at the basic looking teen.

"Uhm... How much of that did you hear...?" Sero, at this point, was blushing a bright rosy color. Katsuki began to turn pink himself.
"Not a lot... But it wasn't bad. You should sing more often. ERM, I CAME DOWN HERE BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO LOUD. YEAH." Katsuki immediately jumped up, his tsundere nature kicking in. Sero snorted. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, SOY SAUCE FACE?" The ash-blonde barked again.
"Sorry- You just look so cute when you're mad-" Sero immediately turned bright red and smacked a hand over his mouth. "UHH- I MEAN- I- uh..." His brain proceeded to short circuit. Katsuki opened his mouth, then shut it again, turning pink again.

"I'M NOT CUTE! I'M HOT, GOD DAMN IT! GET IT RIGHT!" He tried to sound angry, but he just sounded whiny. Sero laughed again, turning a light, feathery pink. Needless to say, Katsuki had a heart clench.

"Uh... Were you possibly... singing about someone?" He asked, almost shyly. Sero started stumbling and mixing up his words.
"EH?? I WAS NO IT I WAS JUST SINGING IT WASN'T NONONO!" He was waving his hands around wildly, stopping and laughing as he realized what he had said.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" Katsuki inquired, chuckling at how cute his crush was being. He immediately stiffened, realizing how soft he was acting towards the basic looking teen. Sero seemed to notice too because he seemed a bit shocked but still grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah... Don't judge me more than you usually do though!" He joked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Katsuki smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"I take it that I was that someone?"


Hanta turned bright red in the face, feeling lovestruck, fearful, embarrassed, and shock all at once.
"I... I-I... uh... no ?" It came out as more of a question. Bakugou's face draped itself in mock disappointment.
"Tch... and I have a crush on you too. I guess my feelings are being wasted." He replied dramatically, turning as though he was leaving. Hanta panicked.
"AH! WAIT NO! I WAS SINGING ABOUT YOU! I DO LIKE YOU! A LOT! PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!" He yelped, maybe a bit too loudly. Bakugou turned back at him, smirking. Their moment was shortly ruined though as they heard cheering from Mina's room, which was a little way down the hall from Hanta's room.

"Tch... Damn extras." Hanta pounced onto Bakugou, wrapping himself around his waist.

"Aw, don't be like that Baku-"

"Katsuki. Get it right, Hanta."

"Right! Sorry, Katsuki!" Hanta laughed, clinging onto his new boyfriend's back as they made their way to the elevator.

"Let's go to study in my room."

"Alrighty, Kat!"

"What the fuck did you just call me?"

"Oh! Sorry! I won't call you if you don't like it!"

"Tch... Do what you want, Soy Sauce Face."

"Aww, ok, Sook Sook!"

"Call me that again and I'll blow your ass up so bad that they'll be piecing you back together for weeks." As he made that remark, Hanta heard Kirishima from down the hall.

"Ooh, that doesn't sound very heroic!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, SHITTY HAIRED LOSER!" Katsuki screamed at him. Hanta laughed from his perch, which was now on his boyfriend's shoulders.

He could already tell that he'd love being in a relationship with Katsuki Bakugou.

I'm sorry, that last part still has me wheezing. That's actually a reference to a line from the anime, season one more specifically. Not sure which episode, but it's from one of 'em. I'm so tempted to make an angsty sequel to this chapter, but I'm not sure if I will. If I do though, be prepared because I'll have no mercy.

Word count: 921 words

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