Chapter 8- Rescue Mission

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(Again, based on the anime when Bakugou is kidnapped and then rescued. Some things are changed in my version though)

Deku P.O.V

The rescue team had gathered outside the hospital, including Iida, much to Deku's surprise. "I thought you said this was a horrible idea?" Deku asked his glasses wearing friend. 

"It is, but if I don't go I will only worry. Besides, you were there for me when I was in trouble, so what kind of friend would I be if I didn't do the same?" 

"Thanks Iida, now, let's go." The team followed Momo's device, stopping only to buy disguises as to not be recognized in the large city. The device led them to a warehouse, where the League led Bakugou outside, holding onto him tightly. The blond looked pissed, but he didn't move to fight, even he wan't that rash. 

"What's the plan?" Todoroki asked. 

"Iida, Deku, you two use your quirks to launch into the sky with Kirishima. You'll call out to Bakugou, who will hopefully us his own quirk to propel himself to you, where Kirishima will catch him.  Todoroki will make an ice ramp for you to slide down upon landing. We will time this right so that the Pros arrive just before we start the rescue, Deku already sent a text to All Might. Hopefully, the League will be too distracted and we can slip away and lose them in the busy crowd. 

Everyone nodded in agreement, loving Momo's plan, then sat and waited. They only had one chance, and they couldn't blow it. Just hold on Kacchan, we're coming. 

Kacchan P.O.V

Bakugou had awoken restrained in a chair, the League of Villains all standing around him. Bakugou would never admit it, but being surrounded by some of the worst villains alive was a little unnerving, but he couldn't let them see his fear. "Hello, Bakugou. Welcome to the League's hideout." Hand Man said with a sick smile. 

"The hell do you want with me?" Bakugou asked with his usual angry tone. 

"You are so angry, so strong. You would make a great villain, so why not join us?" 

"In your fucking dreams" Bakugou spat. As if he'd join a group of thugs like them. 

"Fine then" Hand Man said, still grinning. "Bring him outside." He left and a few members unchained Bakugou, grabbing and dragging him outside after him. As much as he wanted to fight, or run, Bakugou knew he didn't stand a chance against all of them, so he followed. 

Hand Man stood outside. He was with a tall man wearing a suit, a black mask over his face and some kind of contraption around this neck. "Hello, child. I hear you declined my pupil's offer. I am afraid that means I will be taking your quirk" the man said. 

Bakugou's blood ran cold; he didn't want to lose his quirk. "All For One." Bakugou's head turned to see All Might emerging from the seemingly nowhere.

"Well well, look what we have hear. It must be my lucky day, I'll be taking your quirk as well, All Might." All Might attacked the man, and a battle ensued. Everyone was watching the fight, forgetting about their captive. 

"Bakugou!" The blond looked up at whoever yelled his name, to find Kirishima, Glasses and Deku flying overhead. Kirishima held out his hand, and Bakugou launched himself, grabbing onto the redhead's hand. They flew through the sky and landed on ice, sliding down it to meet up with Icy Hot and Ponytail. 

"Let's go, we need to get out of here before they follow us." Ponytail lead the way and the rest of the group followed, not stopping until they reached the busy city. A large group had gathered around the large TV on the street, where All Might and the man he had called All For One were still battling. They all watched as All Might beat him, as he half deflated, as he spoke right to the screen. 

Everyone cheered, but Bakugou looked over at Deku, who was crying. 

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