Chapter 12- A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Kacchan P.O.V

Bakugou awoke to knocking on his door. He grumbled and opened the door, ready to tear someone a new one, until he saw who it was. Deku stood on the other side looking nervous, but he smiled. "H-hey. Uraraka said spending time with you may trigger something for my memories to come back" he said shyly. "So I was wondering if we could maybe..hang out?" 

"Fine, give me a minute." Bakugou closed the door and changed, then met Deku in the hallway. "So, what did you want to do?" 

"I..uhm..dunno" Deku replied, twiddling his thumbs. 

"I have an idea" Bakugou said, taking the boy's hand and leading him out of the dorm. 

"Where are we going?" Deku asked, blushing. 

"To our old neighborhood." Bakugou led the boy to some of the places they used to hang out when they were young, though he felt a pang of guilt at each one, remembering how badly he treated Deku. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Deku didn't remember, they could start over, that is what Bakugou had wanted after all. But that wouldn't be fair to Deku. "Anything?" Bakugou asked. 

"Not really" Deku admitted. 

"Alright, plan B." Bakugou led Deku to his house, where his mother answered. 

"Mom!" Deku exclaimed, it was nice he remembered his mother. They had told her about Deku's condition, and she cried when she saw him, wrapping him in a tight hug. 

"Oh, my Izuku" she said while hugging him. "Thank you for bringing him, Katsuki." 

"No problem, I was hoping coming here may jog his memory." 

"I have a great idea! You two sit" she ordered as she grabbed a book and then sat between them on the couch. "This is a photo album I have of you two as kids." She flipped through the pages, smiling and relaying the story behind each picture. Deku seemed excited, smiling as he listened and looked at the pictures. 

"We were so cute!" Deku said, giggling. They stayed at Deku's house for a while before they said good bye and headed back to the dorm; it was getting late. 

"Remember anything?" Bakugou asked as they walked. 

"No, not really. But seeing those pictures was nice, it seemed we had a lot of fun together!" 

"Yeah.." Bakugou said. 

"Seeing us together seemed...right. I didn't remember anything per-say, but everything seemed...familiar. Like we were always together." 

"We kind of have been" Bakugou said. He was debating on telling Deku the truth, but he finally decided he had to. He led him to a bench and sat with him. 

"What is it?" Deku asked, confused. 

"Deku....I need to tell you something. We were childhood friends, but I was not nice to you. I bullied you all the time and I regret it. I hate that I hurt you.'s my fault you got hurt. I.. I made you really sad and you stopped eating and sleeping and got really weak... and then walked alone...and those men.." Bakugou clenched his fists as a wave of anger washed through him. 

"You shouldn't beat yourself up" Deku said, shocking Bakugou. "Whatever happened to make me sad, it doesn't seem you meant for me to get hurt. And the past is the past. I bet I forgave you. I don't think I have ever hated you. All I feel is happy when I'm with you." Deku smiled and Bakugou's heart skipped a beat. He was about to lean in and kiss him, but Deku stood. 

"We should head back before it get's any later" the greenete said. Bakugou stood and they headed back to the dorms. "Good Night, and thanks for today" Deku said with a smile before heading to his room.  

"Night.." Bakugou mumbled before heading to his own room. He flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling until he finally fell asleep. 

Deku P.O.V

The day had been long but a lot of fun. Deku really enjoyed spending time with Bakugou, who seemed so sad. He had told Deku about their past relationship, but that didn't matter to the greenete, he thought it would be best to start over since he didn't remember anything. Besides, Bakugou seemed remorseful, so Deku decided to forgive him for anything he had done. 

Deku laid in bed and decided he'd try to spend as much time as possible with Bakugou, to show him he didn't hate him. He also wanted to spend time with the rest of his classmates, hoping to remember them all, or at least start over and make friends with them all again. 

Losing his memory sucked since he knew it hurt the people he had cared about, who cared about him, but it also meant he didn't remember anything bad. He couldn't remember the incident that led to him being in the hospital, though Recovery Girl said he had been attacked and Bakugou saved him, bringing him to her to get healed. He owed Bakugou his life. 

Deku fell asleep dreaming of ways to make it up to Bakugou. 

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