Chapter 10- Broken

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**NSFW/ Trigger Warning! Sexual Assault!** 

Deku P.O.V 

Kacchan had turned Deku down. He wasn't sure why he was surprised, he always knew Kacchan didn't like him, but he had gotten his hopes up, even though he said he wouldn't. Deku fell to his knees as tears started streaming down his face. He soon started sobbing, his entire body wracked with them. 

At some point Urararka appeared and wrapped her arms around the sobbing boy. Once he had calmed down she took him back to the dorms and put him to bed. He passed out immediately, dreaming of Kacchan's rejection over and over again. 

A week had passed since Deku confessed to Kacchan, and that's all he thought about. Kacchan seemed to be avoiding him, which Deku was actually thankful for, seeing him hurt too much. What confused him was that Uraraka said that Kacchan had sent her to go find him, why would he do that? It didn't make sense, but Deku didn't want to dwell on it; he didn't want to think about Kacchan, even though that's all he ever thought about.

Deku lived in a daze. His friends tried to cheer him up, but no one really knew what was wrong. Kacchan hardly spoke either; he wasn't his usual explosive self. He looked sad, lost, which confused Deku. Did he feel bad for rejecting him? Deku wanted to ask him, but it would be too painful. 

The greenete spent his nights crying himself to sleep, dreaming of Kacchan's rejection or a life that would never be. He always woke up in tears, causing him to have splitting headaches, which made him not want to sleep. Lack of sleep and the fact he hardly ate anymore only mad him feel worse. He knew his friends were worried, he knew he needed to get over it, but he hurt too much. 

When Kacchan rejected him it felt like his heart shattered, and he didn't think it would ever be whole again. He wanted to forget everything, little did he know, he'd get his wish. 

Deku was walking home when he decided to take a shortcut down an alley. He knew his friends meant well, but he wanted to be alone, unfortunately, he wasn't. "Look what we have here" A man said, stepping out of the shadows with a group of four others. 

"What a cutie" one said, smirking. Deku backed up away from them, only to hit something solid. A man was behind him, and pinned Deku's arms to his sides. 

"Where do you think you're going?" The man holding him asked. 

"Let me go!" Deku said, squirming. 

"Oh come on, let's have some fun" one man said, sliding his hand up Deku's shirt. Deku shivered. He focused on his quirk and powered up his leg, then kicked out, hitting the man right in the crotch. He dropped to his knees in pain. "That's how you want to play?" He asked through his teeth. "Show him who's boss." 

The men walked closer and the one holding him shoved Deku against the wall, then down onto his knees, pinning his arms above his head. They took turns punching him in the gut and face, causing Deku to spit blood. He tried to power up his quirk and lash out, but he was too weak; not eating or sleeping was taking its toll. 

"Now be good" the man he had kicked said as he walked over and unzipped his pants. Deku's eyes widened in horror as he realized what was about to happen. Please, someone help me he begged.

Kacchan P.O.V

Bakugou was miserable. Deku looked so sad, and he appeared to be losing weight, plus he had huge bags under his eyes. Bakugou knew he was the cause, but he didn't know how to fix it. Confess. No, he couldn't. He wouldn't. He refused to cause Deku anymore pain, and he knew that's what would happen if he told him how he really felt. Bakugou couldn't make him happy, he didn't know how. All he knew was how to bully the boy, but he didn't want to anymore, so he just distanced himself. 

He hardly talked to anyone, and he didn't even blow up anymore. He wished he could rewind time and take back everything he ever said or did to Deku, but he couldn't, so he'd just suffer. He wished he had been nicer so that he could accept Deku's feelings and confess his own, but he knew he didn't deserve it. Deku was so sweet, and strong, he'd get over Bakugou and find someone better, even though that thought made Bakugou's chest tighten with jealously. 

He had no right to be jealous, but he was, of every person Deku talked to. He wished he could talk to him, hug him, kiss him, love him. But he couldn't. He had to stay away so that Deku could heal. He was strong, he'd be okay. Bakugou wouldn't, but that didn't matter. Only Deku mattered. 

Bakugou was walking back to the dorms; he had left after everyone else in hopes he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. As he walked he heard a sound coming from an alley. It was a shortcut to the dorms, so he decided to look what the noise was. When he got close enough to see, his heart stopped and flashes of Deku being attacked in the alley a few months ago flooded his mind, but this was much worse. 

The greenete lay on the ground, bleeding and barely conscious but still trying to fight against the six men surrounding him. Semen mixed with his blood, and that's all Bakugou could smell; meaning Deku wasn't in heat and these men were just pigs. One man got on his knees and started to free himself, causing Bakugou to snap. 

"Get away from him" he growled, his hands sparking. The men finally noticed him, but the one on top of Deku didn't move. 

"You want to join?" he asked with a smirk.

Bakugou lunged at the men. He used his explosions to propel him forward, knocking one man into another and then into the wall. He continued to fight; he wanted to beat the men into bloody pulps. He only stopped when a weak voice grabbed his attention. 

"Ka..cchan..." Deku said before losing consciousness. Bakugou scooped the boy into his arms carefully and ran out of the alley to Recovery Girl. He burst through the door to her office. 

"Help!" he said frantically. 

"Oh dear!" Recovery Girl motioned for Bakugou to lay the boy down, which he did reluctantly. He was ushered out of the room while Recovery Girl got to work on Deku. Bakugou used Deku's phone to call All Might and tell him what happened. After that he sent a text to Round Face, letting her know the situation. 

An hour passed before Recovery Girl came back from Deku's bedside. All Might, Aizawa and the rest of class 1-A was sitting in the waiting room, eager for news on their friend. "The wounds to his body weren't major, but his body was weak from lack of sleep and malnutrition. His head is what had me worried. I healed him the best I could but...he has slipped into a coma. I am unsure when he will wake up." 

Bakugou's whole body tensed. A coma. He couldn't help but feel responsible. If he hadn't rejected Deku he wouldn't have been depressed. He wouldn't have been sleep deprived or malnourished, he would have been strong enough to fight them. He wouldn't have been walking alone to begin with. 

"Can I see him?" Bakugou asked. 

"Sure" Recovery Girl said. Everyone went to check on him, but they all eventually went home, all except Bakugou and All Might. 

"Why don't you go home, young Bakugou? I will stay with young Midoriya and contact you if there is any change." 

Bakugou shook his head. "No, I want to stay." 

"You care for him, don't you?" All Might asked, though it sounded more like a statement. 

"With everything in me" Bakugou confessed. 

All Might placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "He will be okay, don't beat yourself up. I will let you have some time with him." The retired Hero left and Bakugou held Deku's hand. 

"Please" he begged. "Please wake up." 

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