Chapter 8

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Sirius pov

I woke up and I got ready in the morning. I did my normal routine and went downstairs, I saw Mrs and Mr potter up and making food. I saw James on the couch but no y/n. I sat down beside him, and he looked up from the daily profit paper he was looking at.

"Your girlfriend still hasn't gotten up yet. Maybe you should go wake her" James said going back to looking at the paper god he looked like an old man with that damn paper. I got up and headed back upstairs to y/ns room, but before I grabbed her clean set of clothes and walked into her room. She lay there sleeping. She was beautiful, I set the clothes down on the dresser and crouched down by the bed, I moved the hair out of her face and used my thumb to rub her cheek, she began to stir in her sleep and she finally woke up. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw me.

"Come on Mr and Mrs potter is making food, and it's time for you to get up," I said with a smile. She rolled over

"No I don't want too," she said and I smiled

"Come on don't you want food," I said she instantly sat up.

"Say that again?" She asked and I looked at her confused

"What that there's food?" I said and she nodded. She went to get up and leave but I grabbed her hand and sat her down on the bed again.
" here put these on, there your clothes from yesterday but they are now clean," I said and put her clothes in her hands. I stepped out of the room and waited by the door for her to get dressed

She opened the door and looked at me

"Hey, you don't mind helping me with my hair right? I just need you to brush it and it will be good" she asked me and I nodded. I had her sit down in front of the mirror on the dresser. I grabbed the brush and began to brush her h/l hair, I always loved the colour of her hair it was an h/c it looks good with anything and everything.

Once I was done I kissed her forehead and we both made our way downstairs for food.


After breakfast and a couple of hours y/n said we should head back to her place. Her father was going to be furious, so we said our goodbyes and after some long hugs and promises to come back from y/n we left and apparated back to her place in her room. She told me to stay there.

When I assumed she had made her way downstairs, I heard yelling. It took all of
My willpower not to walk down there and give her father a piece of my mind.

Y/n pov

I came downstairs and I saw Adam he's cowering in fear while cleaning the main hall. He gave me a look of sadness. I walked into my father's study with my head held high. He turned to me and I instantly felt scared. My father glared right at me, he stood up with his cane and walked closer to me.

"Where have you been?" He asked putting the end of his cane on my shoulder while he stood behind me

"Out," I said and he brought his cane down on my shoulder causing pain to shoot all down my arm and I yelped

"Where the hell have you been!" He raised his voice

" I went for a walk!" I said regaining my posture.

"Don't raise your voice at me girl." My father yelled. He brought his cane and hit me in the back of the knee with it and I fell to the ground. I tried to not let out a noise of pain but it didn't work and I let out a painful cry.

"Who said you were allowed to leave?" He asked me and I looked up at him

"I did" I mumbled

"What was that? Speak up do not mumble!" He yelled

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