Chapter 12

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I sat there just looking down at Sirius, James had gone inside to find a teacher to watch over Remus while he's unconscious. It was the middle of the night from what I assumed, in a few more hours the sun should come up. I sobbed I was worried for Sirius I didn't know if he was badly hurt or not, it didn't look serious but then again it must be he still hasn't woken up. I felt like it was my fault that Sirius had gotten hurt, it's also my fault that Remus was now hurt too but I had to do what I had to do. I was sitting there crying when James and professor McGonagall came running over with the nurse. The nurse ran to Remus to check upon him.

"Who did this?" She asked and I instantly froze, was she mad, did I cause more damage then I know of

" was me," I said while crying. She got up and walked to me

"How did you know such advanced spells"

"I w...will explain l...later, right now please help Sirius!" I exclaimed and she instantly went to Sirius, she began to check him and make sure it was serious.

"He has a head injury and will have some bruising. He will be okay Just he will have to stay in the hospital wing for a few days a week at most" she said and I let out a sigh of relief, he's going to be okay.

"McGonagall come here and help this young lady take Sirius to the hospital wing please," the nurse said and McGonagall came and helped me pick up Sirius, we had it so he had one arm around our shoulders and we carefully took him down to the hospital wing.

After about 25 minutes we had made it and set him down on the bed, McGonagall left me to put the blanket over him, I had sat him up and took off his leather jacket and set it beside the bed, I put the blanket over the top of him and I sat beside the bed. I wonder what they are doing with Remus, is he okay? Did I hurt him? I wonder what's going to happen?

I sat beside Sirius bed thinking about the events of tonight after I refused to tell him about the dream I had, it happened. That's extremely strange, how was it that I saw a glimpse of this night in my dreams months before. I sighed and looked at Sirius, he lay there unconscious, he looked peaceful, he wasn't scowling or having the stupid smug grin on his face. I smiled remembering times he would joke around and laugh.

"I hope you get better soon.." I said and I sat down on a chair beside the bed and I rest my head on the bed. I began to fall asleep


I woke up to the sound of talking and shuffling, I opened my eyes to see the nurse and James carrying Remus in and putting him on the bed. I quickly got up and went over there

"Is he okay?!" I asked trying not to be loud

"He's alright dearie just a bit banged up," the nurse said and stepped away. I looked at James and he pulled me into a hug. I looked at James and then pulled away from him, I walked over to the side of Remus bed and I began to look at all of the cuts on his body, that was my fault. One that stood out the most was the one on his arm, it was large and seemed to have stopped bleeding. He was asleep he looked at peace.

"It's my fault he's hurt, I didn't know it would hurt him I thought it would only knock him out until he changed back" I sobbed and James came and hugged me again

"It's alright, you didn't know. It's okay he's going to be just fine. It's not your fault." James said and rubbed my back in comfort. At that moment Peter came running in. I let go of James and James explained to peter what happened while I went back to Sirius's bedside. I felt horrible about this whole situation.


I was walking down the halls to my next class. Remus was supposed to get out of the hospital wing tomorrow and Sirius still was unconscious, I was worried for him. I made it to my last class of the day and I sat in the back where Sirius and I usually sit, the potions teacher quickly walked in and began the lesson, I wasn't paying attention at all I was to busy thinking about Sirius. Was he going to wake up today? I asked my self. I hadn't noticed the teacher called on me until he tapped my shoulder, I hadn't noticed that the whole class was looking at me too. I shrunk a bit in my seat

"Hmm? " I asked looking up at him

"Miss l/n what ingredient is not used in a shrinking solution?"

"R..rotten egg," I said and professor smiled

"Please see me after class," he said and with that, he continued to teach the lesson. I sat there embarrassed.

Soon the lesson was over and I began to pack my bag. Once everyone was gone I walked up to professor Slughorn looked at me with a disappointed look

"What's wrong y/n, you seem to be off in wonderland every class we have had together this week." He said and I sighed

"My minds have been occupied recently.." I said holding my book bag closer to my chest

"And what's that?" He asked

"You see Sirius hasn't woken up yet and I'm starting to worry. What if there's something wrong?" I asked

"He will wake up I'm sure to miss y/n, just it will take some time." He reassured me. I nodded and went to leave knowing the conversation was done. Since it was my last class I was planning on dropping my bag off and going to see Sirius when I saw a panicked peter run up to me, he grabbed my arm and began to pull me with no explanation

"Peter, what's going on?"

"It's Sirius he's woken up!" As soon as he said that we both booked it for the hospital wing. As we were running we got told to slow down but we apologized and said it was an emergency so we continued to run. Once we made it to the hospital wing. I walked up to Sirius's bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling," I asked as I tried to catch my breath. He didn't respond he instead opened his arms and I gladly went and hugged him.

"I'm better now," he said and I let out a breath of relief. He then squeezed me tightly, James, Lily, Remus, Peter and I were all there to welcome Sirius back from his unconscious state.

"How's your head?" I asked him

"I have a headache, but it's minor," he said and I nodded

"Hey, Remus how are you doing?" Sirius asked Remus

"I'm alright, I'm healing all right" he smiled and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Well, peter and I have to go. We have a few things to do, feel better Padfoot" Remus said

"See ya"

James and Lily sat down on chairs and we all just talked and enjoyed ourselves. Lily had gotten out her textbook and was helping me with potions while James and Sirius just talked quietly to each other

After a while, James and lily left to go to dinner while I stayed with Sirius. We were just laying in his bed talking and just hanging out.

"Sirius you know you really scared me. I was worried something was wrong" I said and I looked up at him, he kissed my forehead

"I have something to tell you too.," I said to him and he looked down at me

"That night I wouldn't tell you anything, it was because I thought it would go away but.. you know how that night over the summer I had that nightmare. Right and I never mentioned anything about it, well in the dream I was attacked by a werewolf and you came out of nowhere and jumped at him, it was what exactly happened that night. You got hurt and I didn't know what to do, I could have prevented it by telling you and we could have just went back to the school and enjoyed the evening." I said as My voice broke

"Then I hurt Remus after too I stunned him and it caused cuts on his body. I caused him pain and I didn't want that. I swear I didn't know-" I was cut off when Sirius kissed me.

"It's okay y/n, I know you didn't mean too. He's forgiven you and it's okay. You're safe, he's safe, I'm safe it's alright" he put his hands on my face and squished my cheeks together with caused me to laugh he squished my face more.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as he continued

"Squishy" was all he said

"Are you serious?" I asked him

"Yes I am Sirius"

"You're such a softy," I said and he pouted

"I am not what do you mean?"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not, I ain't not a cuddly dog," he said

"Yes you are and don't deny it" he rolled his eyes when I said that. I laughed and he began to laugh too

The Woman in Black (Sirius black x reader)Where stories live. Discover now