ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 8

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Journey to nowhere

Once the group finally reached the boat, the tired crew members hastily went to take the boat out of that hellish bay. Shoto remembering the atmosphere of fear as people scurried past him to get the ship moving quickly, which he didn't really care for and lazily returned to his chambers.

It was relief once they felt the boat beginning to move, maneuvering through the dark waters. Most of the members on the ship happily taking rest and Shoto was one of them. Cleaning his bandages as he went towards the comfortable bed, much better than the dirt floor, as he happily slept on the warm blankets.

After the small nap on his bed, Shoto woke up hesitantly. Apart of him wanted to just stay there and enjoy his peace and quiet, while the other continued thinking of a certain green-haired boy.

'I'll just see if he's alright then come back, I could get something to eat too.' He thought to himself, standing up and began to march out to the deck. From the way the sun was, it was just the afternoon and the sky was as bright as ever.

"Todoroki! How was your slumber, I didn't want to intrude since I believed you needed the rest." Iida exclaimed, already flailing his arms while he speaks. "Would you like anything in the meantime?"

"Oh, no thanks reall— actually, can you get me a plate of whatever food we have here, you know my preferences so I'll leave it up to you. Just leave it in my room." He replied, waving Iida off as he zooms to fulfill his mission.

The prince made his way to the lower deck, where the mer was supposedly staying. His answer was proved correct when he spotted the boy chained up to a pole, and where an angry blonde and happy redhead were as well.

"So, you can change form like me!? You also have fangs too! Can you sing good as well, can you sing for us pleasee." Kirishima implored, earning another scoff from Bakugo.

"As if anyone wants to hear that lame singing again, I don't get why you think this useless extra is important!" Bakugo shouted, giving Izuku a stare that can definitely kill.

"Bro, don't be like that! That mermaid from before had such a beautiful voice, even you were hypnotized by it!" Kirishima happily added, smiling despite the insults coming his way from Bakugo.

"Huh!? As if, I just played along and did what we were meant to do, you extras would be dead without me!" Bakugo announced.

This was what Izuku been subjected through the moment he got there, becoming the center of everyone's questions and curiosity. He remembers the blonde with a black streak coming up to him asking if he knew the mermaid they met, begging to tell him if he even had a chance. Thankfully despite that, he had a change of clothes from Iida, who's tunic was more like a blanket then shirt on Izuku.

The mer simply glared back at the dragon prince, "no, I can't sing as good as the others, that's a females ability," he began, continuing once he spotted the grin in Bakugo's expression as he went to speak again. "But, I don't need evidence to know my singing is as good as any of you. Your screeches already tell me enough, sounds like a dying seagull."

"Why you little!—" Bakugo barked, mini explosions already going off in his palms as he went for the mer, Izuku already baring his fangs as to bite anything that comes close. Though their playtime was cut short when a cough broke the silence, the trio turning to see a very angry peppermint.

"You don't touch the prisoners," Shoto demanded, his words laced with venom as he went to match Bakugo's glare which he sent his way. The two Drache folk simply scurried away, Kirishima apologizing as he dragged the other.

𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒑-Tododeku(Mermaid AU)Where stories live. Discover now