Chapter 32- As we are Here

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I was a scarlet letter.

Do not presume to think that I was referring to Nathaniel Hawthorne's book. Nope. Not that. Hester wasn't like this even though her whole life was tragic.

It was just a feeling on surface as I entered the conference room. I felt as if doctors here knew what happened with Ethan and me in dark and now they were discussing morbidly about it. It was that tactility which led me straight to chair I had vacated earlier. I scanned around the large room, looking for any evil-leer cast in my direction but there were none. Everyone was just into everyone, carrying hush-hush commentaries about this unperceivable development happened here.

 Oh, for the record nobody was discussing about Ethan or me— just my silly mind being sillier. Ignore.

My body was a fresh forged sword which steamed from smelt, having burned by incandescent-scorching wicked flames of Ethan Ramsey who still shrouded around me on his hold, his skin on mine and his breaths awakening ever pore of my existence. My legs were a wobbling mess because any moment, I felt that I would fall into earth as they still reeled from one of the most intense experiences I ever had in my life and even with no picture in my vision, the darkness perfectly captured our paints in its silenced canvas.

Will this be always like this?

The doctors conversed among themselves, not looking pleased by any means. Their annoyance sprayed in air—informing of certain surprising and morally-hinged changes being made today by our East Coast authorities. Edenbrook wasn't getting it. AMBC was out of our hands now. That was for sure and all I could do was try to calm my galloping heart and manage to sit idly—waiting for formal-fakey announcement.

Five minutes later, June arrived, regulating a stereotypical aspect and thumped down beside me, asking, "Where were you?" her eyes narrowed, "You look a bit flushed."

Eh? What! No I shouldn't!

I touched my face involuntarily, finding it perfectly alright, "I think it must be the wind. I was in the foyer." I motioned at the room, "Away from this. Plus my stomach is uneasy."

She nodded as if she bought it, "Can't blame you for being nervous. Where's Ethan?"

I blinked. He was...well there was a huge chance that he went to knock heads with Tobias and considering there were doctors all around, things would be kept gentlemanly between them. He certainly couldn't drag Tobias to a dark room, for Apollo's sake. When I thought about it, my stomach roiled and I shot it off.

"Dr. Ramsey? Haven't seen him since lunch break." I replied, "Where's Dr. Emery?"

June smirked, "I can't help but wonder the two of them disappearing at same time."

Keep wondering.

"This is waste of time, isn't it?" I said, "We could just leave now."

"Just wait for a minute for those organizers to arrive and declare." She examined her manicured nails which were actually pretty, "What do you think about the co-conveyer?"

That Dr. Standall? A lot of things, staring with, "Apart from the fact that she eye-fucked Dr. Ramsey?" my hands clamped on mouth, "Sorry. Didn't mean—"

"Good observation. If I had known earlier, I could've done something. Talked to her at least." June replied, unbothered.

So watching a woman eye-fucking my boyfriend was good observation. How wonderful.

What would June have done anyways? Fixed a date between Standall and Ethan? Promised to get him for her? If that was the case, then I thanked Apollo for not impelling this idea in her pathologically-lackadaisical mind. She cared for Edenbrook and unholy reunions did not escape from germinating in that head.

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