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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

He wasn't sure when he felt it, how it was able to hit him so hard yet so slowly all at once. How he was fine one minute than re-evaluating every single decision he had ever made the next. Somehow, he had become more privy to his every move, every influx of air, every bat of an eyelash — he was aware of it all. It was rather frightening at first, for the young male was still so uncertain of so many topics and issues on the matter, yet at the same time it was . . . exhilarating. His heart was hammering wildly in his chest as though it were a confined beast, clawing at the metal bars of its prison in attempts to break free; yet he loved it.

The feeling of his blood flooding every inch of his veins like untamed vines, wrapping around the stone wall known as his soul, and filling it with so much color and life. He wasn't used to it, which is presumably why he was so quick to be petrified by such a foreign feeling. But once it settled in he found himself craving it, not being able to get enough with each passing minute.

It shook him to his core yet brought him to life in so many ways, it was as if he had been living life looking through a dark veil. Never truly seeing the beauties around him, never truly finding the wonders in the darkest of places.

Sure, he had felt this feeling thousands and thousands of times again. But they were all empty shells of that feeling, ghosts, and remnants of what it could indubitably evolve and burst into. 

But once he met him?

All of that changed. It was something new for the both of them, something they weren't even sure they'd have. And now he wasn't alone in the feeling, now he was able to enjoy said feeling with the person that caused all of this in the first place.

Sure, his heart was pounding but at least it was with him.

His mind was racing, but so was his.

The broad smile on his face was evident, but it was because of him.

What is this 'feeling' you may ask? 


Hello Cricket Cultists!!

*Deep inhale* Awe yeah, another BakuDeku. In case Y'all haven't noticed I'm a slut for BakuDeku . . . like that's otp right there guys. Not gonna lie I struggled a bit with this prologue at first, I know it doesn't seem like much but trust it might all make sense in the future.

I don't think the first official chapter will be up today only because I have to write the next chapter for 'Red Wine' and those are always long and excruciating yet fun. But who knows maybe I'll be nice, maybe I wont *shrugs*

In case you are new, hello I am Cricket. I hope you grow to love the content I post on here, and maybe consider following me? Of course, you don't have to but maybe consider it??

Anywho enjoy!

Until we meet again!!!

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