Chapter Eleven: Waves

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Dean Lewis

"It comes and it goes in waves. It always does . . ."

His back slammed hard into the wood, igniting licks of pain to trail over him.

"Dad, stop!"

A harsh kiss of the palm stroked maliciously across his cheek, his mind fogged over.

"Hisashi let him go!"

The world spun and blended around him in a vortex, cradled and cherished memories getting lost in the midst of the chaos. Memories. They scattered and flittered in the wind, in the waves. Scattering . . . drifting . . . drowning . . . gone. He was gone; Izuku was gone.

They were gone.

Izuku gasped and wheezed for air, his lungs spasming and clenching with each distorted breath he took. Beads of sweat kissed his skin in clumps and stray streaks. His vision blurred and came into disfigured gluts—it took a moment for him to realize what was happening, to realize it was all just a dream. A confusing dream.

"Hey," heat spread through his shoulder as Katsuki's eyes pulled his disarrayed vision into focus. "You okay?"

Oh, that was right . . . he was being a dumbass.

Izuku nodded with a groan as the car they rode in jolted him upright, the engine hummed and revved with vehemence as they sped through the streets of Tokyo. The young college student had figured that there would be a great deal of things he would have to do in order to live up his end of the deal he and Katsuki had made: which included going on national television where he would be lying to millions of viewers. Great, right?

He was shocked, to say the very least, when Katsuki had approached him with the news; for the mere thought of having to go through the painstaking process of a televised interview sounded rather unappealing to him. However, after a bit of convincing—and the regretful promise to allow Izuku to draw him for the remainder of the day for however long he wished it—Izuku agreed. Unfortunately, for him, sleep had become somewhat of a rare thing for him ever since he had begun living with Katsuki just a week ago.

They had decided to keep their 'relationship' under wraps for the time being, while Katsuki posted cryptic messages and pictures to his social media accounts hinting at a possible love sparking between him and a mystery person. Which left Izuku to deal with his friends when he had classes. He hated lying to them, despite whatever reason he was doing this for it did not make his deceitfulness any better.

And he would have to do the same to millions.

"You . . . look like shit," Katsuki snickered without thinking, clasping his hand over his mouth. "Have you been getting any sleep?" he asked softly . . . his voice was not supposed to be soft.

"Obviously, I've been getting a perfect eight-hours." Izuku drawled, motioning towards his pale face and dark circles adorning beneath his eyes. "Sorry," he sighed, "I get cranky when I'm tired,"

I know.

Katsuki laughed. "Don't sweat it. I get it, sleeping in an unfamiliar place takes some getting used to,"

"You've slept in unfamiliar places?" Izuku questioned, instantly feeling like a cretin for doing so. "Sorry . . . stupid question. But in my defense I'm functioning off of two and a half hours of sleep here," he chuckled while rubbing his eyes.

"Okay, as soon as we get home you're going to fuckin' bed. No, if's and but's about it,"

The younger grinned mischievously as he leaned in, a taunting glint sparking in his eyes. "You just wanna get out of our drawing sessions. Admit it, you secretly hate them,"

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