Chapter Three: Artistic Drunk

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illie Eilish 

"What is it about them? I must be missing something
They just keep doing nothing. Too intoxicated to be scared . . ."

A full influx of air was pulled from the atmosphere and into Izuku's lungs as he walked down the rain and gum covered paved path. Blaring music was muffled by the walls of the building just a few more yards ahead, drunken women and men stumbling out and laughing at nothing in particular. True to her word, Uraraka still hadn't drunk a sip of alcohol that night as they made their way to the boisterous club — unlike Todoroki who had actually managed to get Iida drunk as well. So the night was shaping to be a pretty good one, the group of four had been to a total of three different bars and had decided to end the night off with going to a club; much to Izuku's protests on the matter.

While Iida and Todoroki got themselves completely wasted that night Uraraka and Izuku had deemed each other the two boys' personal babysitters. All while managing to have fun and dance just the same. As much as the green-haired college student hated to admit it, he was rather enjoying himself that night — which was saying a lot for him since he scarcely got out and actually had fun with his friends. It was at times like those that he actually felt like a true college student, the kind that gets to do things instead of just studying and taking care of bills. 

He truly felt like a young adult still.

As the group approached the entrance Izuku sucked in one last breath of the bitter night air, seeing as though it'd be the last piece of fresh air he'd have for a few hours. Instead, it would be replaced by the molten, sultry air of the club — the result of drunken people being clustered in one area. The intoxicating aroma of beer and other alcohol mixing in the atmosphere around them, clogging his nostrils and tainting his lungs. 

Fuck — why did he agree to this again?

"Maybe we should just go back —" Izuku started, only to be swiftly cut off by Todoroki who clasped his hand around the boy's arm.

"Not a chance Mido, you agreed to come out and have a good time with us. So come on," he chuckled, hauling the small-framed male inside.

"Yeah, C'mon Deku it'll be fun!" Uraraka cheered over the deafening music, her words hardly audible to anyone around them. "Don't be such a baby," she lightly teased.

It wasn't that Izuku was being a 'baby' as his friend liked to put it, no it was not that at all. However, it was for the simple fact that he was a naturally small guy, and compared to everyone else residing in the club he felt and looked even smaller — it would be fairly easy to snatch him up without anyone noticing. Which is why he felt comfortable going to the bars instead, seeing as though they were more barren than an actual club.

As they maneuvered their way through the place Izuku's hand slithered down to his pocket where his phone rested, earplugs still plugged into the small device. Quickly he pulled it out as one of his friends dragged him through the crowd of sweaty drunks, shuffling his playlist and turning the music up to full volume. As to be expected it wasn't nearly as loud as the techno-pop song that played over the booming speakers set up in the very front, but it would suffice for now.

They made their way to the back where a row of booths, tables, and chairs was positioned, Izuku gladly going over to one of the empty ones with a muted sigh. Just as Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki were about to protest to him a new song came on — prompting all of their attention to go to it as they made their way to the dance floor.

Izuku ran his fingers through his hair, grateful that the lights in this particular corner were more consistent unlike the other flickering and flashing lights everywhere else. It was starting to give him a headache.

Iridescent green orbs traveled along his surroundings, while his digits slowly lingered down to the satchel at his side as he pulled a sketchbook and pencil out. Thankfully he had brought it with him. Just as he was about to turn back to the paper and charcoal pencil in front of him his eyes stopped just a few feet ahead.

A man sat at one of the booths positioned in front of his table, his left arm propped along the lining of said booth, the other resting in his lap as he stared at nothing in particular. Damn. What truly stood out to Izuku was the male's defined muscles, still showing prominently underneath the fabric of his clothing . . . And those eyes. Those fiery, scarlet, eyes.

Quickly, Izuku got to work, a sudden pulse of inspiration striding violently throughout his veins and to the tip of his fingers. Flipping to a fresh page he begins the outline of the man's position, hoping to at least get that down before he left or switched his seating style. After a few moments, he looked back up, grateful to find the man still sitting there in an almost drunken daze. As his pencil scribbled across the paper his eyes would gaze back up to look at the red-eyed man — beginning to work on the defines curves of his shoulders.

As he did so Izuku couldn't help but think back to what an old philosopher once said: The human body is the best picture of the human soul.

And this man's body was pure beauty, a work of art. If that were the case then what did that make of his soul?

Just as he was about to look up again the man was in the process of leaving, staggering off to the back exit door — which was meant for employee use only. 

"Damn it," Izuku muttered, snapping his book shut and shoving it into his satchel as he scrambled up to catch him.

Darting off to the back and pushing the exit door open, the green-haired male curses once again under his breath as his blaring music now becomes more audible through his earbuds. Just as he was about to turn it off the sound of a honking horn steals his attention. The man from before and stumbled into the street, just as a fast-driving car was about to collide with him Izuku took off into a sprint; ignoring it when his phone clashed onto the floor.

Using as much strength as his elfin frame could muster he pulled the man back onto the sidewalk, the actions causing the two to fall.

"What the fuck . . ." The man groaned, running a hand through his spiked blond locks.

"I believe the word you're looking for is 'thank you'," Izuku wheezed, "Now get the hell off, you're crushing me,"

Because of all the flashing lights of the city around them, they didn't notice the particular flash of a camera being snapped a few feet away from them . . .

Hello Cricket Cultists!!

Sorry for the late update. I meant to post this earlier but I had to watch my siblings, again. Anywho, I'm really pumped for this story. And in case you can't tell already, yes Izu is going to choose Katsuki to be his model for his assignment . . . A nude drawing session with BakuDeku is something I might enjoy.

Anywho, thoughts?

Until we meet again!!!


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