Chapter One: Yes I'm Re-Writing It, Your Point?

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Love Is More Depressing Than Depression↲ 
Shilo Dynasty & PRXZ

"Father forgive me for you know that I am always sinning
I take no interest partying with liquor, fucking up my system"


The woman in front of him was not shy with her sultry looks.

Katsuki resisted the urge to groan as he sat in the confining leather chair, the smooth satin of his suit releasing soft squeaks with each movement he made in attempts to get comfortable. Everyone's bustling movements around him causing a headache to arise as orders and announcements were being shouted left and right. He was never too fond of these particular things.

Talk shows that is.

The host and or hostess would always give him rather unpleasant and erotic expressions throughout the entire interview as if it would somehow magically captivate him. However, they were always sadly mistaken, just as this lady would be once this was all over. If Katsuki were being candid, had it been up to him he wouldn't even be on this show. Hell — he wouldn't even be answering any of the antagonizing, repetitive questions that have been popping up left and right over the past couple of months. It had all become quite a nuisance for him, a small price to pay for having everything he wanted.


As the cameraman counted down from thirty everyone took their respective placements around the room; the comparatively large audience being ordered to keep their talking to a minimum. The blond male adjusted his posture once more, a calm, almost stoic expression overtaking his features as the hostess continued her shameless, wordless flirting. If he weren't the man he was today he might have snapped and told her to kindly, 'fuck off', however, nowadays he wouldn't dare do such a thing. Tabloids, magazines, and all the major talk shows in nation-wide would be discussing it  — he groaned softly, for he could already envision the headlines.

'Super-star Katsuki Bakugou at it again, screams at a talk-show host . . .'

"Five . . ."

Katsuki's fingernails curls into the thick exterior of the leather beneath him, his scarlet orbs reluctantly flickering to meet the woman's gaze.

"Four . . ."

A deep influx of air pools into Katsuki's lungs as she bats her eyelashes mock innocently, purposefully straightening her back out  — her almost unnaturally large bust poking out more. It takes a lot out of him not to gag at the sight.

"Three . . ."

The audience buzzes with excitement, trying to make out who was sitting in the guest chair up on stage; for the light above him wasn't on, only revealing a blurry silhouette of a man. There theories bouncing off left and right, adrenaline and excitement pumping through their veins.

"Two . . ."

Leaning back into the chair, an efflux of air pushes from the confinements of his mouth in weak attempts to relax his compiling nerves. As much as Katsuki loathed doing these discrete interviews, doesn't take away the fact that his anxiety levels were always blown wide when he did them.

"One . . ."

"Welcome back," The woman smiled brightly into the camera, "Now as promised after the commercial break, I have a very special guest with us tonight."

The accumulation of people in the stands cheered wildly, their shouts of glee reverberating off the walls and into Katsuki's ears. An odd sense of deja-vu washing over him at the sound, he had heard it so many times before throughout this past couple of years. He had grown accustomed to it, almost as if he had required to hear his fans' cheering — by now it was addicting. It seemed almost impossible to think of a time where the screaming bothered him, back when he was first introduced into the industry.

Now here he was.

"Ever since his first debut only three years ago he's made quite the splash in the music industry," she continued over the uproar surrounding them, "You know him . . . You love him . . . Ground Zero!"

With that final note, the once nebulous light hanging above him had brightened — its luminous glow nearly blinding him at first as he settled into the feeling. The cameraman made a not so subtle shift towards him, all eyes on Katsuki now as a tight-lipped smile registered on his lips. Instinctively, the blond's hand shot up as he waved at the crowd; only receiving and even larger reaction than when he remained motionless.

"So," The woman began, the crowd quieting down in order to hear clearer. "You know I have to ask, what's with this love song you put out a few weeks ago?" 

Katsuki tensed at the word.


It was a rather bovine word in his opinion, an emotion powered by the physical attraction of another person. Nobody ever truly loved someone, love was just a picturesque word to describe someone using another person for their own gain. People fall in love when they get lonely, longing for some other than themselves to touch them, hold them, soothe them. People fall in love for money, fame, and most importantly lust. Love was just the watered-down version of all those things — he hated it. Kind of ironic that he made a song revolving around it though.

"Well," Katsuki begins, plastering on a honeyed smile. "I guess those lyrics have just been burning inside me ya know? And I had to turn them into something and share it all with you guys," he stated.

Lying through his pearly white teeth.

The woman beamed, leaning forward and lightly tapping his crossed knee as she giggled. "Well, duh silly. But a lot of your fans, myself included, can't help but wonder: Is it about a certain special someone in your life?" she pried, cocking an eyebrow.

This question brought on a series of cheers and pleas from the audience, wanting to know more about the matter.

"I'll leave that up for you to all decide," The male replied smoothly, squaring his shoulder into the semi-comforts of the leather chair.

And so, the interview dragged on for another seemingly endless hour or so. The questions were a wide range of things, from rather personal ones — which he always deflected — to simple ones. Of course, she had mentioned his . . . more childish actions that always seemed to be consumed by the media; usually all happening when he was under the influence of alcohol. Even so, she still asked question regarding them, which he would then always reply with the same answer he'd give anyone else —

"I regret my actions more than I can truly express, and I just hope to move on from here."

Now, of course, don't get him wrong, his words held the truth within them but . . . he felt like a broken record at this point. It's not like he purposefully meant to act out in front of cameras it's just complicated. Something unfortunate would happen, he'd numb his feelings on whatever the matter may be by drinking — yet all those feelings he so desperately tries to repress always resurfaces. Only to come out in a drunken haze and mess things up even more. That's just how it was.

That's just how he was. As bad as it looks and sounds, it was just how Katsuki was programmed . . . 

Like a broken record.

Hello Cricket Cultists!!  

And so it officially begins . . .

The song you guys may or may not have listened to is not the song Katsuki wrote, which will be revealed later on in the book. But you know how my newer books all have quotes in the beginning? Well, this one will have a song to listen to.

The song in general will either go hand-in-hand with the chapter or the title and or feeling will. You know?

As far as chapter length goes, it all really depends guys. Some chapters may be longer than others.

Until we meet again!!!

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