Thunderstorms (Prinxiety, background Logicality)

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• Fear of thunderstorms
• Mention of mind control/manipulation
• Mention of bad memories
• Mention of hypnotism
• Fluffiness so sugary you can get cavities
• Panic attack (or the best I could do with limited knowledge)
• Me writing a crappy bedtime story

Boom! Roman entered the living room, slightly soaked from the thunderstorm outside. He looked around and smiled. On the couch was Logan and Patton, wrapped up together with the left brain's fingers intertwined in the moral side's soft brown colored hair. It seemed when Logan shifted for just a second, Patton hugged his boyfriend's torso tightly. Roman saw the end credits of Big Hero 6 and instantly knew this was the result of a Disney movie date.

"Goodnight, Padre. Goodnight Logan," he whispered as the prince passed the sleeping pair, secretly nabbed a jar of Crofters as a bedtime snack and headed up stairs to his room. Passing by Virgil's room, Roman noticed it was eerily quiet. Strange, he's never this quiet, he thought as he faintly knocked on the anxious side's door. All he heard was the muffled sound of whimpering. "Virgil?" Roman asked, pushing the door to find it unlocked.

He opened the door wider to find Virgil curled up in a tiny sphere, wrapped up in a blanket, whimpering like a kicked puppy and shaking as if he was outside in the snow. The fantastical side recognized the signs of a panic attack (because he had gone through some himself) and was instantly at his crush's side. "Emo, what's wrong? Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Virgil whispered, "The Thunder. scares me. It was thundering when I left." Roman looked into Virgil's scared, wide, soft brown eyes and gave a light hug so it won't feel suffocating. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. It's just a bit of rain with loud noises. You're gonna be safe, alright."

The prince gently picked up the still shaking boy and laying him on the bed, adding several comfortable blankets with some stuffed animals Roman conjure up. "Better?" He asked, ready to conjure up warm milk or hot cocoa with some cookies incase Virgil still felt scared and needed some comfort food. All the emo side did was nod, although he was no longer shaking and he looked less terrified. BOOM! The loud, sudden thunder caused Virgil to lunge for one of the big stuffed bears Roman created and squeezed it tightly. "Still scared?" The prince asked, calming the anxious Virgil down and tucking him back into bed.

"Do you need a bedtime story?" Virgil nodded, shivering a little. The creative side quickly came up with one Virgil might like. "Once upon a time, there was a brave and handsome prince named Ro....." "This better not be about you, Romano?" Virgil quietly interrupted and Roman's cheeks blushed red. "No....No! Just let me continue. The prince's name was Ro.....Rowan." Virgil didn't say anything, he just smirked and let the creative side tell the story.

"Prince Rowan of the kingdom Rosendale and would be the future King when his father, King Thomas passed the crown. The prince had three best friends - the smart and nerdy royal advisor Login, the sweet and kind staff member Patrick and the lovely knight Virgo, all who made Rowan laugh and smile. One day when the group was taking a walk in the woods, Virgo was kidnapped by the feared, vile, wicked Dragon Witch and her master,Lord Decraken. The trio set out on a quest to save their friend. Login found a old mage who gave them directions to Lord Decraken's hidden castle, hidden between the Memminging Mountains."

"The journey would take them from the Enchanted Forest where magical creatures prospered then down to the Coralana Islands and across the Alegan Sea to the Xethous Woods that were a barrier to the Memminging Mountains before coming across the volcano lair. It was a long and dangerous trek across the lands with them almost dying several times and two-Login and Patrick-finding love." (because this story needs to be gayer. As you can clearly tell, I love the Logicality ship)

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