A Book of Love (Intrulogical-Human AU)

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Two of three! Let's go! Also as a late treat, you guys can have some Intrulogical which seems to be a pretty popular ship in the fandom currently. Pin above was the main source of this one shot.
Trigger warnings/mentions:
•Mentions of abusive relationships
• Mentions of depression and PTSD

Remus Kingston knee his smart, logical, can-be-a-dick boyfriend, Logan Crestwell-James loves books and anything to do with reading/knowledge. And because he wasn't a typical, romantic guy like his twin brother Roman with his boyfriend, Patton: Remus wanted to propose in a special, different, out-of-the-box way. He felt the best way to do that would be with a book. Especially because both met in a college library reading the second book of the Divergent series. It took some time to figure what book he would use until he decided to use the Lunar Chronicles series because he knew Logan loved dystopian fiction.

"Oh my little morning star!" Remus announced, entering the house after making a quick trip to the bookstore. "Ah, Remus- you're home. I was suspecting something especially considering you ten to come home 25-30 minutes earlier," Logan replied, briefly looking up from his laptop on the couch. "I decided to take the long way home," Remus shrugged, taking the Cinder book out of the bag and creeping up behind his boyfriend. "So whatcha you doing?" "I'm working on a report due soon," Logan simply answered, giving Remus a slight peek before continuing with his writing. "Sounds boring." There was a few seconds of silence before Remus continued talking.

"So I got you a little surprise." "You, a surprise?" Logan mockingly asked, giving him a eye roll. "You'll love it, I promise, my intelligent sweetheart," Remus explained, bringing the book in front of his boyfriend's face. "A book?" Logan asked, putting his laptop away. That gets his attention , Remus thought as he explained. "Yeah, you've always been bitching about finding a new book series about dystopian future since you finished the Legend series so I found a lil' something something to get you to shut up." Logan softly smiled and gave his boyfriend a quick peck. "Thank you, love. You know me so well."

"You can thank me later," Remus added with a seductive wink before heading into the kitchen. "Imma make dinner." "Don't you mean heat up leftovers?" Logan smirked as he finished up with his work and immediately started to read his book. "You know me so well." After a re-heat meal of last night's casserole, both snuggled up on the couch together and just enjoying the other's company while reading their books and having some low sounding music as background sound. It was a tradition they had been doing since they first move in as a way of bonding without screens or distractions.

After reading the first chapter, Logan noticed a pink sticky note. "I'm guessing this is your work?" He asked, showing the book to Remus, who was pretending to be invested in The Maze Runner. "How could you know?" "The note is in your handwriting, in a book you purchase for me. Not to mention, the writing is the first words we exchange durning our first conversation over five years ago." "Maybe," Remus smirked as Logan simply rolled his eyes but continued to red. Once the thirty minutes were over and Logan has three more chapters (which were three sticky notes that were three things/conversations Remus said/had with Logan)

Over the next few days, Logan finished the book and saw a pattern within the notes; they were related to something said/happened durning their first year of their relationship-their sophomore year of college. As soon as he was done, Remus gifted his boyfriend the second book of the series, Scarlet and this time the sticky notes were a neon orange with the writing reflecting Year 2. This follows with Cress and third year yellow sticky notes; Winter and fourth year green sticky notes; and because Remus knows Logan reads the entire series, Mirror, Mirror has light blue sticky notes from their fifth and current year, Stars Above had a completely different format, Logan noticed while reading the book and sipping a cup of coffee.

It had taken a week and a half (it would have taken a few days if he didn't have work) to get through the entire series and Logan was pretty surprised. He didn't really enjoy stories involving fairytales but it was incredibly good and put a new spin on the originals. Throughout the book, the notes seemed to be random- based on things said/happened durning summer or holidays or simple, little compliments like "You're beautiful as the night sky" or "You've got a great booty." It always flustered the man as he was never really good with compliments. It made him feel loved and appreciated even thought it was just on paper.

He finished the book as the sun started with the 'happily ever after' ending when Logan noticed a purple sticky note corner. Of course. One more although Remus tends to not finish stuff, he thought as he read the final note. "Meet me in the garden, you'll find something waiting," it said. He was puzzled. They sounded like song lyrics which has highly unusual considering almost all of the notes were either compliments or something romantic. Logan tried to see into the garden but the windows in his and Remus' room were covered outside by a black cloth, rendering it unable to see.

He head downstairs to their little backyard area and when he arrives, he was stunned. There was dozens of vanilla-scented candles, a red rose petal path that lead to Remus, who was dressed in a dark gray suit with a dark green bow and was holding something. "Remus......?" Logan asked in a weird daze. This all felt like a dream, especially because he had been dreaming and expecting about this moment for months.

"I have something for you," Remus replied once his boyfriend got closer. "I've love you even you left as an foreign exchange student in our senior year. I've seen you at your best and your worst. I've never stopped loving you even after I told you my dark and abusive past relationship and thought you would leave. You stayed, even when I was diagnosed with depression and PTSD. Since then, I've always wanted to do this," Logan watched in awaited breath, tears welling up in his eyes as Remus lured his heart out, then got down on one knee.

"Logan Johnathan Crestwell-James, my bright morning star to my dark night galaxy, will you marry me and become my dorky husband?" Remus opened the box to reveal a star-colored gold ring with a dark blue stone with sliver flecks like an actual galaxy. "Yes....." Logan whispered before giving his now fiancée's arms. "I love you," he murmured into Remus' ear, now full on-crying. "I love you too, my smart and dorky fiancee."

Done! Yeah! Enjoy one of my second favorite ships in this fandoms! Thank you for reading! The LAMP one is coming up next!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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