Paper Crane (Logicality-Human AU)

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I'm sorry this like three weeks late. I procrastinated and with school starting, I didn't have time to write it on Wattpad. So that's why there's gonna be three or four one shots today (Friday September 4th) I hope this makes it up. The post above was the inspiration for this one shot

It was in 4th period History class with Mr. Sanders when Patton decided to take the leap and ask out his brainiac classmate, Logan. Patton had been trying for weeks and all his plans either failed, he ducked out before he tried or Logan didn't pick up the hint. After some thinking when he was suppose to be tasing Chapter 7-6: The American Revolution and working on the question packet, Patton came up with a plan.

Making it look like he was doing to work, he took a piece of paper that was already covered in doodles of stars, rainbows, puppies and kitties. It was already covered in some math equations because Patton tended to get bored in Algebra class. He decided to write a cliche love letter in French. His first language because that was where he and his family originally came from. Patton also decided to write in his favorite, lucky rainbow glitter fountain ink pen. 'Cher, Logan- Je vous aime beaucoup et je prie Dieu que vous be connaissez pas le francais.' Patton folded the letter into a small, petite paper crane. After making sure no one was watching and Mr. Sanders was busy grading papers, the cute, chubby sophomore tossed the note across the room.

Logan Bennett was deciding on whether to read aloud chapters 8-9: The Start of the American Government, work on his extra credit Biology homework or continue to read his Agatha Christine books when a piece of paper fell on his desk. He looked up to see where the little crane came from. Logan deduced the fact that it came from the middle near the windows across from the room.

The suspects were either Bella James: a preppy cheerleader who was twirling her pencil, Noah Stevenson: a bored looking punk looking at his phone and Patton Astruc: a cheery, in Logan's words, annoying, childish teenager who was the best friend of his partner in Mrs. Blackwell's honors English class, Virgil Blue. He opened the note to find out and could already see dozens of child-like doodles along with some algebraic formulas. He read the note. Logan was fluent in several languages including French as his maternal grandparents came from France. Not to mention, it would be beneficial to learn more than English.

Dear, Logan- I love you a lot and I'm praying to God you don't know French. Logan smiled and looked over to Patton, who looked to be doodling all over the work packet. He quickly scribbled a reply (in French) and when no one was watching, he tossed the piece of paper. Patton looked up from his star scribbling and attempting to answer questions on famous Revolutionists icons to see a folded up piece of paper. He looked up and met Logan's dark blue, star-like shimmer eyes before looking down to the note. Dear, Patton- I do speak, write and know French and also I have romantic feelings for you as well. Perhaps I could express this with an romantic outing this Saturday at Cafe Cresta at 1 pm?

Patton almost squealed of delight and dis of excitement after reading the note. At that moment the bell rang with students packing up and Mr. Sanders tells the class, "Alright, take it easy, guys, gals and non-binary pals! Enjoy your weekend and don't forget your packets are due on Monday! Peace out!" Patton put all his stuff away then caught up to Logan, who was reading his book. "Hey Logie!"

Logan looked up from his book to see his classmate beaming and giving a wave. "Ah, Patton. I assume you read my note?" Patton slightly blushed before answering "Yes I did and......and I'd be happy to go on a date with you." Logan bit back a smile and blushed softly before returning to his neutral face. "Excellent. I'll see you then," he explained before writing something in black marker on Patton's wrist and walking away.

Patton looked down to see an assortment of random numbers- which he quickly realized was a phone number. With a smile on his face and an extra cheery, bubbly pep in his step, Patton walked to the cafeteria excited and nervous for what tomorrow's date would bring.

Man, I love me a good ol one shot of Logicality. This is the one ship that has been on my brain so it's been reflecting on my work. Intrulogical and LAMP one shot to follow though

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