1. senior scribe

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Alec pov.

I stand chained to a tree beside one of my best friends Liam Dunbar, its a full moon and im finally in control.mostly.

My best friend Stiles and brother Scott are trying to figure out where to live since they're going to collage soon. Im gonna miss them. Theyre gonna be seniors while imma junior.

My brother is a werewolf and i am a werecat. I turn into a standard house cat whenever i want-witch is alot-and a deadly big cat on a full moon.

"Think its been long enough?" Stiles asks my brother making Liam yell "YES!"

They two older boys face us with an annoyed expression.

"HEY! TRYING TO HAVE AN ADULT CONVERSATION OVER HERE!" stiles calls. I keep trying to get the chains off but nothing works.

"Alright your two years older than us!" Liam yells back making me groan. He just shushes me with a smile.

"And im fine! Just let us go"

Scott walks over to us holding the key to the chains. Stiles greets me with a wave. Actually, more of him just throwing his arms in the air.

"Its not that we dont trust you" scott begins

"Its that i dont trust you. Well i trust Alec, not liam" stiles adds making me fistbump him from the uncomfortable tree.

"Its just after the last full moon"

"It was one slip up!" Liam defends.

"Slip up? A dozen calls to the sheriffs department about a monsteruse dog boy running around the streets of beacon hills naked! And a large panther breaking into homes and eating everything from people fridges" Stiles says looking at me holding back a laugh.

"Why were you naked? And stealing peoples food?" My brothers asks after unlocking the last padlock.

"I was hungry" "it was really hot out" me and Liam say at the same time.

"Just let us go!" He keeps pushing.

"Your sure your in control?" Scott asks liam who just keeps saying hes fine.

"Are you in control?" He asks facing me. My heartbeat picks up and i can tell.

"Yes" i try say as confidently as possible but scott can hear the skip in my heartbeat.

He looks at me weirdly but stops when stiles tells him to hurry up.

He finally lets us go making Stiles bear hug me. Even though scott has been a werewolf for longer i was with him and Stiles when he got bit. I was there when they fought the Kanima, when Alison died. When liam got bit, and when i got bit they helped me through it. Were all brothers no matter what.

We walk back to the jeep with me between Scott and Stiles as they talk about collage.

They go into the jeep while i look at the palm of my hands and see claw marks. They way i keep control is through pain. Pain makes you human

I shove my hands in my pockets and sit beside Liam.


"Is it a party?" Liam asks.

"It is not a party, if it was a party we would invite Alec" Stiles says making me ruffle his hair.

"Whats at midnight?"Liam asks again. He has way too many questions.

"Your bedtime"

"You guys having trouble with your phones?" Scott asks making us all grt out our phones. My phone has a huge crack on the frount so it dosent even turn on. Then the jeep stops.

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