Enough BS

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Sam's POV

Today we do a bunch of wedding stuff. I already called the wedding planner and we were gonna get together as soon as big bird gets back.

I woke up with a headache so I don't really feel like it but we have to do it. I took an advil but this shit is killa. I was sitting on the couch massaging my temples until Chris walked in with Mijo and Keeis being all loud and shit.

"Ayee bruhh turn down," I told em.

"Turn down for what?" Mijo asked.

"Cuz I got a big ass headache nigga thats why," I snapped then directed my attention to Chris, "And Chris you do realize we're going to meet up wit the wedding planner today right?"

"Oh shit, thas today? My bad ma."

I shook my head and got up. "You sure thas all that's wrong witcha? You not on ya period?" Keeis irritating self asked.

"Boy if you don't getcha big," I half laughed.

"We'll be back in a few hours, don't tear up my house nigga," Chris told em before we left.

*3 hours later*

We were done with today's plans and now on our way to In-N-Out, I was hungry asf. We ordered and I wasted no time inhaling that shit. Literally I was done within 7 minutes. "Got damn did you even taste it?" Chris asked.

I laughed even tho I knew he was dead serious. He been acting a Lil funny since we left like all of a sudden he this big attitude and would snap for no reason at some points.

We pulled up at the house and walked in to music blaring throughout the house. I shook my head, these niggas. We found them in the game room playing 2k with Migos playing and weed. I jumped on Keeis and he screamed like a bitch. You don't kno how hard I cried.

His salty ass muffed my head and mumbled some shit. Then some chick walked in I frowned and looked at the boys crazy. Chris turned down the music and we all directed our attention to her. "Who this?" I asked.

"Oh y'all this Shanika," Keeis introduced us. I nodded. She was alright like she wasn't pretty but she wasn't ugly either. She had a booty tho and she definitely looked like the ghetto type.

"Hi yall," she smiled.

"Who told y'all you could invite people to my house?" Chris asked sternly. 

"Chriss," I hissed.

"What? Iono her she could be some crazy broad that bring some niggas up in heaa and they steal all my shit," he shot back.

I shook my head at his overdramatic ass and smiled at her, "Excuse him he crazy," she giggled.

"Don't stick up for me Samantha."

"Christopher calm the fuck down," I warned.

"Or what?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Well it was nice meeting you Shanaenae, I'll see y'all later Keeis," I announced indicating that its time for them to go.

"Its Shanika, and you too," she said before following them and leaving. On the way out I heard Mijo snickering at the fact I got her name wrong.

Once I heard the door close I turned around to Chris, "What's your problem today?"

"Nothing," he mumbled before storming out the room.

Iono what's going on wit him but he better figure it out quick before I do. He pissing me off with this shitty attitude. I ain't time for his bs.

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