Rise And Shine

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*2 weeks later*

August P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen gettin ready to cook breakfast. I decide on making eggs, bacon, pancakes and gritts. Once I was through I made a plate for two and carried them upstairs on a tray along with some orange juice to Sam's room.

I pushed the door open wit my foot. I walked over to her bed, carefully placing the tray down. I gently shook her awake.

"Aye ma, wake up" She mumbled something and turned over. I chuckled and tried again. This time she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Happy birthday shawty" she laughed and sat up. "Thank u." She looked at the food and smirked. "Aww hell Yung Aug done cooked me breakfast" She did a lil dance in the bed. Then she stopped and had a serious look on her face. I frowned.

"Is the kitchen still in one piece tho ?" I mugged her as she cracked up. "Very funny ma, u lucky its ya birthday or I woulda been said sumn."

"Aww I'm sorry is the lil Auggie mad?" she said in this annoying ass baby voice. "U childish bruhh" I shook my head. "Anyways watcha finna get into today?" I questioned as she chowed down her food. She shrugged. "Iono yet, I was thinking bout callin my boo Aliyah so we could go get our nails done or sumn."

"Coo coo, jus make sure ya schedule open past 8." I stood up taking our plates. "Why?"

"Can't tell ya that or its gone ruin all da fun" I winked and headed back downstairs.

I'm ready fa tonight tho I jus gotta go call my nigga breezy real quick and make sure everything straight. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He answered on the 3rd ring.


"Aye Chris, what's good ?"

"Nun much, what bout you?"

"Jus checkin to see if ya still down for tonight."

"Yea I'm down. I'm hella excited about meeting shawty. Ima hit her wit that wassuh baby and she jus gone melt in my arms like Oh Chris" he made his voice go high. I was laughed so hard I almost fell. I caught my myself and tried to contain my laughter. I swear this nigga sumn else "naah but watcha gone do today tho?"

"I swear nigga u a trip. And prolly nun" I said shaking my head. I heard shuffling and looked up to see Sam walking in. "Shxt u trynna slide thru and smoke some of this blunt?"

"Hell yea. I gotta go you know who jus walked in" I whispered the last part.  He laughed "Bet , see ya soon."

"Ight" I hung up. "Who was that?"

"Why ya gotta be so nosy b?" She chuckled. "I was jus asking dang" she put her hands up in surrender and walked back out. I shook my head.

Sam's POV

Once I got back to my room I hopped in the bath and sat there for about 20 minutes. I grabbed my phone and dialed Aliyah's number. She picked up on the 2nd ring. "Hello?"

"Wassuh shawty!"

"Aye happy birthday bitch! What we gone do today tho?" She screamed through the phone. I laughed "Well yunno we gone hit up the nail salon and then the mall. I gotta look fine asf tonight."

"Bet b. What time u gone scoop a shawty up tho ?"

I shook my head this bitch don't ever wanna drive herself always gotta get some else to be her lil schaufer.

"At about 3:30"

"Ight well lemme go get ready."

"Alrite." I hung up.

I checked the time. It was only 1. I laid my head back and closed my eyes enjoying myself.


I got out and put on my Love Spell lotion from Victoria Secret. I looked over to my closet where I picked out my outfit for today.

A black half shirt that says who cares on it with some light blue jeans and some black heels. I decided to jus throw my long curly hair in a messy bun before tonight, where I'll jus straighten it.

I walked out the room, downstairs where I saw Aug lookin like he was about to leave too Even tho he looked basic as hell I thought he was cute. He had on some grey sweats and a T-shirt with his Oreo 5s. "Look at you gettin all cute for ya nails" he said sarcastically. "Shut up we gone go to the mall first." He nodded.

We stood there for a mintue before I cleared my throat. "Alrite well lemme go." "Yea" He opened the door for me and we both walked out. 



Okay so here it is the big day lol. Ima post again tomro I'm tired so goodnight yall .

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