Coming Home

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*3 Weeks Later

Trey's POV

This shit can't be happening 3 weeks go by and nothing. Nobody's seen or heard from Aliyah. I miss my fuckin baby bruh, I just hope where ever she is she's okay.

Aliyah's POV

This week has been great, I would be lieing if I ain't say I didn't think about trey. I do, every second but I doubt he thinks about me. Anyways I decided to get up and cook breakfast this morning.

"Damn, I see why you wifed." Trina greeted me.

"I just wanted to do something to say thank you for letting me stay here." she smiled and looked down at my long T-shirt which was all I had on.

"You need to put all that away especially if I can't have any." She smirked smacking my ass.

"What?" She laughed. "Ya lil girlfriend wouldn't like you touchin me." she smiled.

"Well what she don't know wo-" On que Kayla walked in.

"The fuck is this?" I smiled.

"Breakfast". She rolled her eyes and took a plate. I went and sat down in the living room and ate. Trina walked in.

"So when ya leaving me?" She started.

"Kicking me out already?" I smirked.

"Nah baby girl, I would love to have ya big booty self on my couch all day but you got a man, one who's looking for you by the way." I smiled a little.

"I know but I just needed time you know especially since he denied my child, well he ain't say that exactly but actions speak louder than words." Her face lit up.

"You - Your pregnant?" I smiled.

"Yes baby."

"Well damn that really kills my chances, but that should be your motavtion to go home, you can't raise a baby without its father, and its obvious he's trying. You gotta met him half way though." I smiled.

"Ugh, I hate being wrong." She laughed.

"But you know if things don't work out who you can come to." she winked. I laughed.

"Yeah, I know." On que Kayla walked in looking mad as hell.

"Look, when are you going home." She started.

"Umm until Trina decides." I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's my girlfriend and I'm trynna be nice but you pushing me so ima have to ask you to leave."

Trina stood up."Bae chill."

"Its cool boo." I said while getting my stuff. Before leaving I stopped in front of Kayla.

"You're very insecure. Its not gonna get you anywhere trust me, I don't want ya girl but best believe if I did I could have her."

I swung my hair over my shoulders and walked out.

Sam's POV

Last night was... Amazing. Even though me and Chris didn't fuck, he still gave me some bomb ass head. I opened my eyes to see him sleeping peacefully. He's so cute when he sleeps.

I laid there admiring his features for a minute. "Yunno its not nice to stare." He mumbled. I laughed.

"Sorry bae."

Its funny cause this nigga didn't open his eyes, not once. He pulled the pillow over his face and turned his body so he was laying on his stomach.

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