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August's P.O.V

After Sam told me she was gonna go out I already knew this would be the perfect time. I dipped to my room and waited til she left. As soon as I heard the front door close I grabbed my phone and went straight to my contacts. I put the phone to my ear waiting for him to answer.

"Yo wassup"

"What's good Breezy? Look I was wondering if I could ask ya for a favor?" I'm prayin this nigga say yes.

"Sure lil bro watcha need?" I let out a sigh of relief. "Coo, so its my best friends birthday in 3 weeks and I was hopin you could come by and surprise ha' by singing Happy birthday and making her day special." I explained to him. "Hell yeaa anything for a fan. Is she fine tho?" I shook my head chuckling. "I guess u could say that."

"Shxt then I'll be there. But why me and Ima need all the details too." he said. "Cuz shes loved u since I can remember and always talmbout how she would love ta met ya ndd erything. And Its gone be at my crib on March 25th at 8." "Awee that's cute and ...Ight coo."

There was a slight pause so I'm guessing he was writing the info down.

"Alrite I gotta go I jus pulled up to the studio. Ima hit ya line if I got any more questions or sum." He told me. "Alrite bet." I said hanging up.

I laid back and cut on the TV. I channel surfed for about 10 minutes, there wasn't shxt on. I turned it back off and headed to the kitchen to get sum to eat. After I made my sandwich I went to the living room and started thinking about the party again. I had everything planned out already I jus needed to make a couple more phone calls and invite everyone as well as tellin them not to tell her anything.

I can't wait to see her face when all this goes down. That shxt gone be priceless.

I chuckled to myself as I continued to eat my sandwich.

I checked the time and realized what day it is. August 31. Damn I completely forgot. I cant believe I actually forgot for a second tho. I decided to shoot my ma dukes a text to see how she's holdin up.

My everything: Hey ma. How u doing ?

I sat my phone down and waited for a reply. I lost my appetite so I jus put my plate to the side. I jus sat there thinking about all the old memories I have wit Mel. The ones before he.... died. Almost instantly tears started fallin down my cheeks.


I woke up to see that it was 11' o'clock. I checked my phone and I had like 30 missed calls on my shxt all from my cousin Corey. Something had to be up fa him to be blowing up my shxt. I sat up and dialed his number real quick. He picked up on the 2nd ring.

" Yo Corey wassuh witchu blowing up my phone and shxt ya heard me?" "They got em Aug! They shot him! u needa get down here asap!" He yelled thru the phone. " Who?!? What u talmbout mayne?" My heart was beatin fast. " Mel Mab they got Mel!" I felt my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach.

"Fuuuck. ight I'm on my wayI hung up the phone and jumped outta bed. I threw on a T-shirt, some sweats and my js before shooting out the door. I sped about 120 all the way to the trap house. Once I pulled up I hopped out the car not even bothering to turn it off. I bust thru the door and instantly fell to my knees. There he was covered up in blood bearly alive, 6 mf'n shots in his chest. I couldn't take it anymore I broke down. I crawled over to where he was and held his head in my lap as I cried. "T-t-take ca-re of the g-g-girls a- and Ch-chandra" he managed between mouths full of blood. " I gotchu bruhh don't give up me u gone make it." I sobbed. Then his body became heavy in my arms...


I jus wanted to do a chapter in remembrance of Mel.

Rip 4.15.86- 8.31.10

I hope augs okayy too.

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