What's Next?

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Sam's POV

"Chrisss," I whined.

"Whaaat?" He mocked, I mugged him.

"Its not funny lil boy, you playing wit my emotions," I pouted. We were at the mall and I wanted to go eat but he was playing.

He chuckled, "Aight fine, you go to the food court I'll be there ina minute, I gotta run one more errand," he said handing me his card.

"Okay, bye," I said grabbing his card and skipping off excitedly.

"Aye!" He called out. I turned around. "Forgetting something?"

I huffed before walking over to him, "I love you baby," then I pecked his lips.

"I love you too," he chuckled, before smacking my ass as I walked off. I flicked him off.

"Betta watch out and I jus might," he yelled behind me. I shook my head walking to Chik-fil-a.

We hadn't really had sex in a while. So he been throwing slugs bout it for the past two weeks. We've been pretty cool about everything since the incident. We decided we were gonna try again but not jus yet.

So today he wanted to take me to the mall with him, I don't even know why but I was happy to actually have something to do besides working. 

"Hi welcome to Chik-fil-a, may I take your order?"

"Uh yeaa, I'd like a Spicy chicken sandwich with a sweet tea," I said.

"Is that all?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yep," I gave her Chris's card.

"Okay, wait right over here and we'll bring your food out shortly."

I stood to the side on my phone as I waited. This guy came up to me trynna holla, he wasn't even cute. "Aye shawty, wassuh? You looking mighty fine today," He licked his lips.

His breath smelt like shit too.

"Uh-uh, hell naah nigga ima have to ask you to back up witcha stank self and no you can't have my damn number," I snapped at him.

He sucked his teeth, "Damn bitch I ain't ask ya fa allat, I ain't wantcha number no ways."

I chuckled, its funny how everytime niggas get rejected they wanna call you out ya name.

"Number 38," I checked my receipt and grabbed my food.

I heard laughing behind me and turned around to see Chris laughing. I smiled, "You saw that?"

"Yes, witcha mean ass. Remind me to never get on ya bad side," I giggled as we found a place to sit. As soon as we sat down I wasted no time in stuffing my face.

"Damn slow down. It ain't going no where," Chris joked.

I faked laughed and flicked him off again, "Shut up."

"You gone have to stop doing that before I tear dat ass up," he replied. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

We talked about virtually nothing the rest to the time I ate. Once I was finished I threw away my trash and sat back down. "Now what?" I asked.

"We can do whateva you want," he said leaning back.

"I don't even know," I told him.

He reached over and grabbed all his bags, "Ight then leggo."

I laughed at his goofy self then grabbed my purse and followed him out the mall. We got to his Range Rover and I got in while he put the bags in the trunk.

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