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"You think you're worthy of him? Look at us, can you honestly say you suit him better than me?" The beautiful lady smiled gently, unlike her scathing words.

The shamed woman opposite her turned red, and just as her smug opponent stood up elegantly to leave, she grabbed her glass of water and threw it at her. That flawless face was dripping water, and her perfect hair was drenched.


Ethan watched the characters on the flat screen with an unmoved face. No one who had ever dealt with the hard-driven businessman could ever imagine him willingly watching such a tacky drama. But here he was, on his twelfth episode of 'my prince and me'. 

Each time a crazy scene like this happened, he would subconsciously turn his head to glance at the girl laid down on the bed beside him. Usually, when watching these shows Cosette would have her eyes glued open, sprawled out on the living room sofa. She would laugh maniacally when the female lead got hurt, and call the male lead all sorts of obscene names. Whenever Ethan came home to this, he felt a sense of comfort and slight worry. He would sit next to her and listen patiently while she explained who was who, and why they were all idiots.

"So you're telling me she scratched his car, so she's his slave for the rest of the year? Isn't he a millionaire? Why is he so petty? And she fell in love with that freak? What kind of bulls-OW!" Etty would look up at the glaring Annalise, clutching her pinched ear.

Then Annalise would say, "stop being so crude."

And the biased Ethan would try defending his daughter, saying how it was good that she wouldn't get tricked by no-good men in the future. Only for both him and Etty to get lectured in the end.

A small smile appeared on Ethan's lips, only to fade just as quick as he stared at the sleeping girl. There was not even a twitch of an eyebrow or the flutter of eyelashes. He sighed softly, before turning to the screen with determined eyes.

However, when he turned his focus to the show, what greeted him was a steamy kissing scene between the two lead characters. The tall man had trapped the small woman against the wall, between his arms. They had their lips locked in the darkness, and lewd moans were heard through the rustling of clothes.

Ethan's eyes widened slightly, a little shocked. Were all dramas this extreme nowadays? He should carefully inspect what Etty watches after this. As the actor's pale fingers work to unbutton his shirt, Ethan frantically rushes to switch the television off. As a glimpse of oiled up, six pack abs come into view, the screen turns black. Ethan sighs in relief, hoping the disgusting sounds didn't affect his daughter's mind.


Ethan's head swivels instantly at the soft click of a tongue. Cosette dark blue eyes are bleary, unfocused, but they are open. Her mouth is slightly scowling and her little face almost annoyed, but it is the first expression she's made in weeks.

The powerful man is entranced as he sees his daughter awake. Relief filled him with warmth and his throat clenched, as if he had swallowed a stone. In a split second of realization, he pressed the red emergency button on the wall.

In the blink of an eye, paramedics stream into the room. Yet, he is still unmoving, ice blue eyes trained on the confused ten year old. She looks tired, her eyes blinking heavily. Ethan heart drops, as if once she closes her eyes, he won't get her back again.

Doctor Lena is busy; checking her vitals, flashing light into her eyes, making her wiggle fingers and toes. She hmms and huhs, making the tense father's chest clench with worry. One of the nurses pours a little water into Cosette's mouth.

"Can you hear me, Cosette?" Doctor Lena shouts.

The child grunts in reply, and Doctor Lena writes something on her clipboard. Ethan, trying to getting ahold of his senses, grapples for the limp, pale hand hanging off the bed. He wraps Etty's miniature hand with his long fingers, trying to spread warmth into her icy skin.

"We need to take her for some tests." At Dr Lena's gesture, the nurses prepared to roll Etty's bed away.

Ethan stood up, his dominating presence instantly stopping everybody in their tracks. The quiet, worn-out man suddenly morphed into a dangerous threat in a split second. Despite his messy clothes and disheveled hair, those sharp eyes and his powerful figure sent a chill through everybody.

Ethan and Annalise kept telling themselves she would definitely open her eyes one day, but the Dr's updates and the weeks of hopelessness had made a disgusting pit of despair build inside of him. He had always been a realistic person, he weighed the probability of every risk and every opportunity down to the millionth decimal. It had always been his strength. And yet, he wanted to kill that part of himself. The one that kept calculating the likelihood that his daughter would die.

But, she woke up. She beat all the odds, and broke all preconceived notions. He gripped that weak hand, and held the bedrail with his other hand. Like a lion protecting its young, his ferocious gaze silenced the room.

Only Dr Lena could speak up, "Mr Pembrook, you have my complete assurance that she will be treated with utmost care. It is only a few scans and blood tests. She'll be done in an hour or two."

Ethan looked back at Etty, her face still blank. He wondered what she was thinking, if she was thinking. Her pupils barely moved, the only sign of consciousness was her blinking. He was reluctant to have her taken away from him again.

Then, just a stroke, no- the brush of gentle finger tips against his palm. Ethan buckled in surprise, was he delirious? But her eyes that were staring into space, glanced at him ever so softly.

After one final squeeze, Ethan let go of her. He nodded to the Dr, face grim, "please help my daughter."

Ooh so is she ok? Is she brain dead? Who knows lol
I'm sorry if this is a lil half - assed
I've been really into playing valorant lately never knew I'd b a gamer one day wow

I'm lowkey sacrificing my education for this so if u wanna help yo girl out,
look up this link in ur browser n buy a broke bitch some coffee:

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