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The saying 'time heals all wounds' was fortunately true. Unfortunately for Cosette, nobody had ever told her that time would be so damn long.

It took an entire month for Cosette Pembrook to say her first word. Her vocal cords had been heavily damaged because of the intensive intubation, and so, the ten year old could only watch in silence as her family members fussed over her. The murderous curses that went through her mind as Bastien fed her but purposely pulled the spoon away each time it neared her lips, were enough to fill a thick book.

How she wished she could speak to the poor man that stayed by her side, never knowing what to say but always saying something. Ethan had never been one for chatting, so the best he could come up with was weather commentary, or the latest business deal he signed. Thanks to his awkward but lovely talks, Etty now knew way too much about the inner workings and functions of the Pembrook Enterprise, as well as how there would be a 10% chance of precipitation on the Monday ahead.

But perhaps, she was most desperate to whisper words of comfort to the quiet mother-son pair. Every morning, Annalise would bathe her body despite the nurses insistence, and gently brush her curls. She would not say much but just stare at her mute daughter with pale, calm eyes.

The boys, much to their reluctance, were forced to go to school as normal. But with the rare whining from the well-mannered Bas and indifferent Vince, they were allowed to leave early to see their sister. That's when Vincent would take over Annalise's position. Their resemblance was undeniable in the ways they firmly yet carefully took care of her. Precise and efficient, and full of love. He tucked her in each night and read a book by her side.

This mother and son seen from afar, seemed unaffected. Their collected demeanors held up an air of nonchalance, as if it wasn't a big deal that Cosette was basically a living vegetable. It made Etty's worries, the ones she shoved down deep within, a little more benign.

The hospital room was more like a vip hotel suite. The top floor of the best hospital in the country was reserved for the most elite. There was her room where everyone lingered most of the time, as well as two other bedrooms, a living room, and even a kitchen.

After a month, her wish was finally granted as she uttered her first word. It took another month before there was feeling in her arms again. It took a total of three whole months before she was finally allowed to return home.

Despite her busy schedule, Dr Lena was there to see Cosette off. The Pembrook family members had the habit of calling her up for 'emergencies' when their youngest coughed slightly or was asleep for just a little too long. Because of her frequent visits, Dr Lena had gotten to know this little princess.

Which was why she enthusiastically said her goodbyes to Cosette, even pushing the girl's wheelchair herself. The nurses all stared wide eyed as the usually stone-faced doctor happily walked, a huge smile on her face.

"Why do I feel like you're excited to get rid of me?" Cosette said suspiciously, tilting her face upwards to take a glimpse of the grinning doctor.

"Hm?" Dr Lena only then seemed to realize her own behavior, toning down her expression to her normal unbothered look, though her eyes still glimmered. "I'm just happy that you're recovering well and can go home."

"Well, I'll still have to come back for physical therapies and check ups." Cosette was improving but due to her weak immune system and aftereffects of the poison, her recovery was slow and her legs had little strength.

Instantly, the glimmer in Dr Lena's eyes died, "right, of course."

"Don't forget you need to take care of yourself at home too. Take your medicine, practice the leg exercises we taught you, eat well-"

The eleven year old laughed angelically, her dimples appearing, "I get my gun back!"

Dr Lena's face fell. She had learnt over the past three months that appearances were truly deceiving. At first, she had felt bad for this little beauty who was basically living as doll.

After her recovery though, all this sympathy was replaced by exhaustion. Not only was her family overprotective and unyielding, making Dr Lena run hourly checks to their room. But Cosette herself made the doctor who had persevered through decades of medical school and hours of surgery, want to quit her job.

Looking at this little face, big dark eyes and shallow dimples, there was no way to have known someone so small could cause trouble so large. The doctor's stomach clenched remembering the hospital erupting into chaos at the sound of gunshots, only for it to be the ten year old's 'favourite hobby'; how she had nearly terrified all the elderly patients into early death by speeding past in her custom-made car; or how she had somehow taken some random medicine she found and they had to explain to a murderous Annalise how her daughter got high.

Dr Lena grimly pushed the excited girl to the exit where her family was awaiting her. Her father who had been looking homeless for the past months had finally shaved, looking impeccable in a black three-piece suit and slicked back hair. The powerful man was silently holding a large white teddy bear, causing passers by to glance at him strangely before hastily walking the other way. At the reception, Annalise was beside him going through forms with an intimidating aura. The receptionist looked like she was on the verge of tears as Annalise asked her the thirtieth question.

"Etty!" A friendly-looking boy ran up to her, grinning from ear to ear. Bastien immediately pushed the gift box into his sister's arms. His eyes twinkled, no hint of forced politeness in his sincere gaze.

Cosette thanked him, opening the box lid to see a pair of beautiful black shoes.

"Even if you can't walk yet, you still shouldn't wear ugly shoes." The eleven year old said bluntly, but his ears had turned pink beneath his brown hair.

Cosette smiled at her cute brother, "Can you put them on for me?"

Bastien clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, but quickly knelt down to replace her hospital slippers.

"Etty." Vince's serene voice called out. While she had just been trying to move her fingers again, her oldest brother seemed to be growing endlessly. Now that she couldn't stand, he looked even taller to her.

The calm boy naturally took over Dr Lena's position, holding the wheel chair with familiar ease. He patted Cosette's soft hair gently, as she pretended not to hear the crack in his voice,

"Let's go home."


Ayeeee I'm back
Lol, it took me awhile to remember where tf I was going w this story but ykno better late than never
I'll do my best to stick to one ch a week.

Also, if anyone's interested in helping ur girl out, go ahead: click this link, look it up in ur browser n buy a broke bitch some coffee:

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