Part 1

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Part 1

"Fuck me."

Becca hums from her seat across from you. "Not my thing, but thanks for the offer."

"Becca, this is serious." You whine, still staring at your period tracker app. You've been busy between school and work so it took you far too long to realize that your period was late and you were never late. Your cycle was like clockwork for as long as you could remember so when you realized you missed your period, you knew immediately something was wrong.

"It could be worse." She says, and you stare at her in shock.

"Are you joking? What could possibly be worse than getting knocked up by him?"

"My step-mom always says that getting pregnant is the least of your worries when you have unprotected s-e-x. It's the STD's you've gotta worry about."

You grimace and although you agree with her, you're still freaking out over the possibility that you could be pregnant. And worst of all, with your enemy.

Matthew Tkachuk.

Tall, annoyingly handsome and infuriatingly stupid, Matthew Tkachuk came into your life like a tornado, flipping everything upside down and making a mess. You knew you would hate him from the moment you met, when he tried to pick you up at the bar you went to with one of your best friends, Johnny Gaudreau. He used some stupid pick-up line and was oh so certain you would fall for his charming personality so you felt quite proud of yourself at his shocked expression when you tossed your drink in his face.

To be fair, you were really drunk and fresh off a rough break-up so his dumb attempt at trying to get you in to his bed pissed you off. That was two years ago and as time went on, he continued to piss you off every moment you were forced to spend with him.

But three weeks ago, you were accompanying Johnny at a Flame's charity event and got a little too drunk at the after party and when you woke up the next morning, it was in Matthew Tkachuk's bed.

You were out of his apartment before he even stirred in his sleep and since then, had been avoiding him at all costs. This included not going to any Flame's games or going near Johnny's apartment in fear of running in to Matthew.

"I'll run to the store and grab a few pregnancy tests, okay?" Becca offers, standing up from her seat and walking over to where you are sitting. You don't notice that there are tears streaming down your face until she wipes them away with her thumbs. "Try to stay calm. I'll be back in twenty minutes."

Calm. You can do calm.

She gives you a sympathetic smile before leaving your apartment and all you can do is sit and wait.

. . .

"Maybe they are false positives."

"Honey, you took seven tests." Becca says. "I think that's unlikely."

Shock is the only thing you feel right now, staring down at seven pregnancy tests, all with a smiley face clear as day as if it's mocking you. You just knew before you even took the tests but seeing the proof hit you like a freight train.

"You know it's your choice what you decide to do, but I think Matt deserves to know."

You're shaking your head before the sentence is completely out of her mouth.



"Why does he deserve to know? All he's going to do is tell me to get lost or accuse me of getting pregnant on purpose." You argue and Becca shakes her head.

"Contrary to what you think, Matt isn't a complete asshole." She says. "I firmly believe that he wouldn't do that."

You frown and look back at the tests. You'll do what you want to, but you suppose she's right so you grab your phone and text Matthew, telling him you need to talk.

It's less than a minute before he responds.

Sure. Meet at my place in 30?

You sigh, looking at Becca who smiles and gives you a thumbs up.

See you then.

. . .

"Couldn't stay away, huh?" Matt asks, smirk on his face and leaning against the door.

Normally, you'd answer back with a witty remark but you blurt out your reason for showing up right away.

"I'm pregnant."

You were expecting a few different reactions from Matt but you weren't expecting him to look confused.

"Um... Congratulations?" He offers, brows furrowed and a small frown on his face.

Your jaw drops in shock and you shake your head. "Are you an idiot? Please tell me you are kidding, Matthew."

You count to thirty in your head before his eyes widen and he takes a step backwards. His face goes very pale and for a split second, you're worried he's going to pass out but then he shakes his head.

"No fucking way." He says, hands coming up to tug at his hair. "No fucking way. You have to be kidding me."

"I'm not psyched about this either but it's happening whether you like it or not." You say, getting a sudden burst of confidence. "I don't need you, Matt. I have friends and family and I can do this on my own but if you're half the man that some people told me you are, you'll own up to this." Shaking your head, you start to back away. "I'll give you some time to think. You know where to find me."

You can feel his eyes on you as you walk down the hallway and when you look, he's still standing in his doorway staring at you when the elevator doors close.

Consequences - Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now