Part 2

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Part 2

"There she is!" Johnny shouted, stumbling to where you were seated at the bar. There was another guy trailing behind him and you recognized him immediately as Matthew Tkachuk, right wing for the Calgary Flames and one of Johnny's friends.

"Y/N, this is Chucky." Johnny said, tossing an arm around your shoulders. Your best friend was very drunk but you knew the look in his eyes when he grinned at you.

"Chucky, this is Y/N. I think you two will get along." He winked at you before stumbling away but not without embarrassing you by shouting, "use protection!"

You could feel how hot your face was when you turned around to look at Matthew who was leaning against the bar casually. You'd heard stories from some of the girls about how he slept with girls and the tossed them out the next day like garbage so already, you disliked him and it only got worse when he leaned towards you and smirked.

"Do we have to do the whole get to know each other thing or can we just head back to my place?"

Maybe it was the fact that you drank more than normal or because you'd just gotten dumped by your boyfriend of two years but Matt's comment made your blood boil and without thinking, you tossed your drink in his face.

. . .

It's been a week and a half since you told Matt you were pregnant and since then, you hadn't heard or seen him. Part of you is relieved because you're not sure you can handle him right now when you're still trying to process the fact that you are pregnant. A quick trip to the doctors and some bloodwork confirmed what the seven pregnancy tests showed. You're seven weeks and five days along.

The thought scares the life out of you because you feel like you can't possibly be a mother. You can barely keep a plant alive, let alone a child. But you have to and you're not sure what made you not even consider taking the easy way out but just the thought of getting rid of the baby made you sick to your stomach.

The only problem is Matt.

Matt, who you haven't heard from since you dropped the baby bomb on him. Part of you isn't surprised because it's exactly what you were expecting but another part of you is upset because despite some things you've heard about Matthew, you've also heard that he's a decent guy so you thought there might be a chance he wouldn't leave you to raise the baby alone.

But you also know that you don't need him. You have your family and friends and you're surrounded by people who you know would do anything for you but there's still the part of you that doesn't want to have your child grow up without a father.

And it breaks your heart thinking about it.

. . .

Matt doesn't exactly know how he ended up in the baby isle in Walmart but what he does know, is that there are far too many things that a baby needs. Diapers, formula, clothes, pacifiers, cribs, the list goes on.

He knows that he's an ass for not going to see Y/N yet but he just needs time to process it. It felt like someone slapped him in the face when she showed up and told him she was pregnant with his child. It's not something he ever thought he would hear until he was settled down with a wife and a house – not with the woman who despises him for reasons he doesn't know.

He's aware that the entire world thinks he a pest and he knows that he can be an asshole but Y/N has a hatred for him that he doesn't understand and he's not sure he ever will.

Consequences - Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now