Part 6

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Part 6

29 weeks

"What are you doing?"

"Researching how to murder someone and get away with it." You mutter, typing where to buy a tiger in Google.

Becca gives you a wary look and sits next to you. "Everything okay?"

"No!" You groan in frustration, tossing your phone on the coffee table. "Matthew is driving me insane."

She frowns. "Is he being an ass?"

"He's being nice. Too nice." You grumble, ignoring when Becca chuckles. "It's like he's trying to make up for missing the doctor's appointment even though I told him I forgive him."

Becca raises an eyebrow at you and you try to ignore her pointed look. "Do you though?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask defensively.

"You're different around him now and I'm sure he's noticed. It's like you don't trust him."

You start to deny her accusation but stop to think about it. Were you more cautious around Matt lately? You certainly didn't let yourself depend on him for things that you had been before, too afraid that he would let you down. You wanted to, but there was a nagging voice in the back of your mind reminding you that he's let you down before and there's always a chance he will again.

It's as if Becca can read your mind because she shrugs. "You should be honest with him."

However, something you've learned recently is that too much honestly can get you in trouble.

. . .

Sending Matt a text that said we need to talk, probably wasn't the best approach because it took him approximately fifteen minutes to show up at your apartment and his is a half hour drive away from yours.

So his windblown hair and wide eyes really weren't a surprise when you opened your front door.

"So, I think I should have worded that text a little better."

"You think?" He huffs, walking past you when you step aside. He doesn't even bother to take his shoes or jacket off, walking straight to the living room and turning to look at you.

"I'm sorry. For whatever I did." He says and you groan.

"That's the problem! Stop being sorry for things. It's driving me nuts."

He frowns and looks at you in confusion. "So... you don't want me to be sorry for things?"

"I don't want you to not be sorry for things, I just want you to stop being sorry for everything. It's like you're walking on eggshells around me."

"I'm just trying to make-"

"Make up for missing the appointment." you say, finishing his sentence. "I know." your hand falls to your stomach and you sigh. "We're going to be parents in less than three months. We need to start trusting each other."

Matt slowly walks over to you and reaches out for your hand which you let him hold. His thumb rubs across the back of it and he nods.

"You're right."

You grin and lightly punch his shoulder with your free hand. "Of course I am. When am I ever wrong?"

He smiles, pulling you in for a hug and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You ignore the way it makes your heart race because the last thing you need right now is your feelings for him to get even more confusing when you're both finally on the same page.

Consequences - Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now