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"Henry Eli Tkachuk!" You yell. "Get your little butt down here right now."

The patter of tiny feet echos through the hallway and you watch your five-year-old slide into the kitchen, nearly crashing into the wall. He's as clumsy as his father, which you didn't think was possible.

He looks at you curiously, eyebrow raised and hands on his hips - the spitting image of Matt.

"Yes, mama?"

You point to a plate of cupcakes on the countertop. "There were twenty cupcakes here ten minutes ago."


"There are only fifteen now." You raise an eyebrow. "Do you know what that means?"

"That someone was hungry?"



"Who ate the cupcakes?"

He shrugs his shoulders and giggles before running off towards his bedroom. It's possible that he ate them but there are seven other people in the house who could have. You can eliminate at least three, maybe four out of the seven which is why you find yourself calling out to your husband and his other half. Unlike Henry, Matt actually crashes into the wall when he comes running down the hallway. Though to be fair, you're pretty certain that Brady pushed him.

"Yes, dear?"

"The cupcakes." You raise an eyebrow, eyes darting between the two Tkachuk brothers standing in front of you. "Who ate them?"

"Not me," Brady says, hands raised defensively.

"I didn't either!" Matt says and you're pretty sure that one of them is lying but then Johnny walks into the kitchen, two cupcakes in one of his hands, and is taking a bite out of another one.

"Dude, these are-"

"Johnny!" The three of you exclaim at the same time.

"What?" He mumbles around a mouthful. "They were just sitting there."

"They are for Nell's birthday!"

"Ellie's birthday party is today?" He asks in confusion and you sigh, shaking your head. Why did you think it was a good idea to invite a bunch of constantly hungry hockey players to your three-year-olds party?

"Everyone, out." You say, waving your hand dismissively. They all clear out with the exception of your husband who slowly walks towards you.

"Will you hit me if I touch you?" He jokes and you roll your eyes but let him wrap you in a warm hug. The two of you have come a long way, you're the perfect epitome of enemies to lovers story but you wouldn't change anything. Especially because of what you've gained along the journey.

"How's the bun in the oven?" He asks and you pull away, raising an eyebrow.

"I hope you mean the baby and not Eleanor's birthday cake because I think it may have burned."

His eyes widen and he rushes over to the oven, pulling the cake out. Luckily, you caught it in time and there's only a little black on top that can be brushed off.

"Why didn't you just order one from the store?" He asks, picking up a cupcake and taking a bite. You sigh, realizing that you're going to have to make more due to the fact that everyone is eating them.

"Homemade cakes are the best." You answer quietly and he just nods his head, not questioning the vagueness of your answer.

"Attention everyone! I found a wild child in the backyard!" Brady calls, walking in the kitchen with your toddler sitting on his shoulders. She's laughing loudly, clinging onto his hair.

Curls as wild as Matt's and eyes just as blue, Eleanor Ruth Tkachuk graced the world with her presence 3 years ago. After Henry, you weren't sure you wanted more than one kid because life with just him and Matthew was absolutely perfect but you didn't know that it could get even better until she arrived.

"There's my princess!" Matt says, taking Nell from Brady. She happily goes with him, grabbing a hold of his hair too. You watch your husband wince but the look of pure love in his eyes when he looks at her isn't like anything you've ever seen.

"Warrior Princess." Brady corrects and Matthew nods seriously.

"Daddy, cake!" She squeals, pointing to the cupcakes and reaching towards them. Matthew spins around and starts walking away to get her attention off them. "Let's go find nana."

You watch the two of them walk outside, hand unconsciously resting on your belly. Baby number three was kind of an accident. You and Matt weren't exactly trying for another but you weren't doing anything to stop it. You both decided that if anything was meant to happen, it would. And it did, obviously but you weren't surprised because you're pretty sure Matt secretly wants an army of Tkachuk's due to the number of times you'd had sex before you became pregnant again.

But it didn't bother you, the idea of a bunch of mini you and Matt's running around. It certainly wasn't something you really envisioned in your future and you never realized how much you really wanted a family until after Matt.

"How's Brady Jr.?"

You grin at Brady who's leaning against the counter.

"Still not named Brady Jr.," you say, starting to get the cake ready to be decorated. "But he's doing great."

Brady smiles and opens his mouth to say something but Chantal walks in the room, cutting him off.

"Honey, go help your father finish decorating." She says, shooing him out of the room before starting to help you get the last of the food ready. The two of you work efficiently and in silence, something you're used to when getting things done with Chantal's help. You'll never be able to thank her for everything she's done for you since she came into your life. Being with Matt meant gaining an entire family who was the most tight-knit, caring, and encouraging family you've ever known.

They didn't have to accept you as easily and quickly as they did and you'll always be grateful for them.

. . .

Long after the birthday party settles down after the kids are asleep, Henry curled up with his head in your lap and Nell tucked in Matt's arms, and all the adults sitting around the fire pit in the backyard, you take a minute to reflect on how much your life has changed in the last six years. Longer, if you count how long you've actually known Matt. You never would have guessed that this is where life would have led you, how crossing paths with Matt changed you as a person, and changed your entire world forever.

How you learned, loved, and gained so much in these past years.

How lucky you are.

"What are you thinking about?" Matt whispers, nudging you gently. You turn to look at him, his eyes warm and smile gentle.

"You. Us."

"All good things, I hope?" He jokes and you smile, pulling him close so that you can kiss him softly.


Consequences - Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now