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Time flies really fast. It's been a year since the incident happened. Jaemin is fine now, far from the abaddon. But he really suffered a lot before...

3 days has passed, but Jaemin is still in piques. He's inside of his room all day, never do anything, just flopping himself in the bed and cry after. He doesn't have an appetite to eat and just drink water whenever he's thirsty.

His bestfriend is very worried. Jaemin don't want to see a doctor anymore. He said they are useless because they cannot heal the pain inside him. That's because Jaemin don't want to open up. He is still in trauma of those happenings.

"Jaemin, get out of your bed now. You have an appointment with the doctor today."

"I don't want to. I didn't become well after that one session."

Renjun sighed."Because it needs time jaemin. I know you suffered a lot, but at least be patient in the treatment and you'll be alright ok?"

Renjun convinced Jaemin after that. Jaemin need to be patient for the faster treatment. He needs to open up, the release all the resentment he have. That's why he continued the therapy.

Sessions after sessions every week.  Jaemin is getting better, they can see him smiling a bit and you can tell that it's not fake. He's at being sociable again, got a new circle of friends but he stays in his bestfriend side always, recieving advices besides of the doctor's.

The Jaemin they know is back. He's now active again, he is now totally recovered. It's been a while since he visited his doctor. The doctor gave him some prescription to prevent illnesses be triggered again....


Jaemin is now in the cafeteria with his friends actually bestfriends, eating their lunch while having a chit chats.

"How's your math quiz jisung? I think you failed that, do you?" Jaemin said in teasing the younger of them.

Jisung scoffed. "I know. Stop teasing me or i will--"

"You what huh? Is that what you talk to your father Jisungie? OMG that hurts." Jaemin said while doing a fake cry.

The younger then glare at him, seconds after replaced a weird grin. "First your not my father. But I will tell to everyone that you have a crush  to your new seatmate."

Everyone on their table gasped to the sudden information. "Is that true? Our bunny is having a crush to someone?!" Haechan exaggerates.

"Will Jaemin having a boyfriend?!" Mark too.

"You two, lovebirds need to shut up. Let him be." Renjun said after recovering in the news.

Jaemin then flustered at his seat, don't know what to say anymore. It's true, he's having a crush to his new transferred classmate/seatmate. He is attracted at the guys crescent eye smile. Whenever that guy talk to him, he always blushes because the transfer student always smile whenever he talks.

But he thought of something that the younger will be flustered too.
"Don't worry, I'm not alone. Jisung have a crush on his classmate too. Who was that? Chanlo? Chenlo? Chenle?--"

Jisung growled at annoyance. "Hyung i thought we will keep it a secret!" The younger said while stomping his feet like a child. Well he is.

"You started it!"

"You two, stop fighting. You are not a twelve years old anymore." Renjun said irritated.

"Why don't you confess to your crushes? It's not like hard though."  Donghyuck suddenly blabbed.

"Sunshine, it's not easy as you say. It's very difficult to confess your feelings to someone. Like i just confessed to you before, it takes time and risking everything." Mark explained.

"Whatever, i need to come on my next class. See you later!" Those three who left at the table bid a goodbye to Jaemin too.

Jaemin troops to his next subject as for him not to be late. Even though there's actually 15 more minutes left to their lunch time. He just want to have a talk with Jeno the transferrer by himself.

After a few more walk he then arrived at his classroom seeing Jeno reading a book alone.

"Hey Jeno!"

The guy then stop reading and turn his vision to someone who called him.

"Hey, you're early huh?" He greeted while doing his famous eyes smile. Jaemin taken a back with than but soon recovered.

"Nah, i just finished my lunch quickly." 'What a good excuse jaemin' he face palmed at his thought.

"By the way, what are you reading? Your are focused with that." He asked as if his interested to that.

"It's our module for our subject by now. I just want to have some ideas of what are we learning today."

"What a great student." Jaemin mocked before he sits beside Jeno.

"You must too, don't you want to have a good grades?"

Jaemin scoffed."I don't need to be a great student to have a good grades." Jeno look at him like he's crazy and jaemin noticed that so he said "Kidding aside, I'm just lazy today. I just want to flop at my bed after this class."

Jeno chuckled at the boy's statement. "You better do, you look like a haggard duck. You keep pouting." Jeno said with a grin.

"Ah, so you know how to tease huh? Get ready because will--" Jaemin didn't finished because the ring bells indicating the class will be started.

"The faith will not let you." Teasing the blue haired male beside him.

Jaemin growled at his crush. 'Why did i like him?' Questioning himself before he pay attention of what their professor teaching.



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