Pt 2

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I woke up to my alarm goin off. I got outta bed and made it. I went to my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I already took a shower last night so I didn't need to take one this morning.
I did my hair and makeup and than went into my bedroom. I got changed and than sprained sum of my favorite perfume and than put lip gloss, charger, tampons (just in case you always need to b prepared if unexpected)! I put it all into my backpack and went downstairs. I said gm to my mom as she gave me my breakfast.

Once I finished I put my plate in the sink and got a text from the girls saying that there outside and ready to walk. I said gb to my mom and walked out of the door. I greeted the girls and we continued to start walking. We soon arrived at the school and walked in. We went to the office for our schedules and our locker code/number. We went to our lockers that happened to be by each other and put our stuff in there. First period we all had different classes but all the other ones we had together! We said our goodbyes and walked to our classes.

I tried to find my class but I got a little lost but than I felt a tap on my shoulder and some 1 say sum to me.
"Hey you need help getting to ur class"

This books been good so far. What do y'all think? I'm kinda liking it. I'm proud of it!


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