Pt 8

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Hey mamas

Hey baby

So I wanted to ask you sum

Okie what is it?

Come to the park at 5:30


I got changed and did my hair bc it was 5:17 now I did my hair and than went down stairs telling my mom where and when I was going to the park.

Ur outfit

"Ma I'm goin to the park with mar bc he needs to tell me sum" I said putting sum lip gloss on

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"Ma I'm goin to the park with mar bc he needs to tell me sum" I said putting sum lip gloss on. "Ok baby be careful and come him by 8 or 9" she said smiling.

"Ok ma bye I love you" I said hugging her. "I love you to baby" she kissed my forehead. I walked to the park since it wasn't to far away from my house.

I saw mar standing by a tree and smile grew big. I ran to him as he put his arms out and I jumped into them hugging him tightly.

"Well sum1 missed me" he said smiling. "Sure did" I laughed. "So what's up" I asked. "So I was gonna ask you sumthing but idk if your ready or not" he said.

So I'm planning on asking Ava out bc I really like her. But idk if she's gonna say yes or no and I don't want her to feel like she's being rushed.

Back to you
"Ok what is it bubba" I laughed. "Will you be my girlfriend" he asked. I felt like my body sunk into the ground. I've kinda been waiting for this moment.

This might seem weird but I actually rlly like mar.

"Yes ofc I will" I smiled. I jumped into his arms to him kissing my lips. I kissed back which kinda turned into a make out session. He put his hands on my butt and started to rub it slowly. I moaned softly. "Let's do this sum where else" I winked.

We went into the bathroom of the park and went into the guest bathroom. He took my shirt off as I pulled down his pants and boxers. I took his dick and started to suck on the tip. "Awe fuck baby don't tease please" he said. I began to put his whole dick in my mouth and go smooth with it. I stroked it as I began to deep throat.

He pushed me to the floor as I speared my legs out and began to lick my finger and rub my pussy smirking at him. He stared at me and he began to touch himself. He got down and shoved his dick in me I moaned loudly as I rubbed my clit.

He put me in the doggie position as he pulled my hair and going in and out. "Fuck baby faster" I said. "What's my name" he said. "Daddy" I moaned. He pounded me harder making a clapping noise from our bodies. Then I heard sum1 knock on the door.

We got up fast and got changed. We opened the door to Derek. "What do you want" I said. "I just heard moaning so I wanted to see what was up" he said back. "Well nigga there's nothing wrong so leave" mar said. Derek just stuck up the finger and left leading to nessa outside. "Omg that fucking whore" I said. "It's ok baby wanna finish or nah" he asked.

"Later" I said getting outta the bathroom and mar following me.

Hope y'all enjoyed this part! Don't forget to vote. 💙


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