chapter twelve - big fat crush

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daishoudasnacc has created a new group chat!

daishoudasnacc has added sakusa_k, kenyounot, kurooisasexymf, bokutogotaphatass, komoriii, osamuisnotafuckboy, sunaisfoxyfromfnaf, aghkaashi.

daishoudasnacc named the group chat sakusa ask atsumu out already

sakusa_k: w h y

kenyounot: ^

aghkaashi: ^^

osamuisnotafuckboy: ^^^

daishoudasnacc: sakusa, buddy, it's pretty obvious you have a thing for our dear atsumu.

sakusa_k: no i don't???

daishoudasnacc: yes you do

osamuisnotafuckboy: yes you do

bokutogotaphatass: yes you do

kurooisasexymf: yes you do

kenyounot: yes you do

sunaisfoxyfromfnaf: i mean, idk.

aghkaashi: i'm with suna.

komoriii: i'm late but yes you do

sakusa_k: stfu motoya you don't even know him.

komoriii: actually, i texted him last week. he talks a lot about you. you also text him first thing in the morning, during lunch time, and practice. you even risk it and text him during class.
komoriii: you sir, are whipped for atsumu miya.

sakusa_k: first of all why would you text him?

kurooisasexymf: HE JELLY

sakusa_k: second of all—
sakusa_k: i'm not even going to bother.

daishoudasnacc: because you are whipped ✨

sakusa_k: so what if i am?

kenyounot: oh
kenyounot: well that was easy

sakusa_k: i didn't say a n y t h i n g 👎🏼

bokutogotaphatass: bro you basically confirmed you like tsum tsum.

sakusa_k: tsum tsum?

bokutogotaphatass: it's his nickname 🥰

kurooisasexymf: tsum tsum 🥰

daishoudasnacc: tsum tsum 🥰

osamuisnotafuckboy: tsumu 🤢

kenyounot: annoying blonde twin who i still love 🥰

kurooisasexymf: no homo bro? 😔
kurooisasexymf: damn, not even a little bit? 😔

kenyounot: i'm full homo for atsumu.

aghkaashi: say eye if you too are full homo for atsumu
aghkaashi: eye

kurooisasexymf: eye 😘

bokutogotaphatass: eye 😛

daishoudasnacc: eye 🤚🏼

kenyounot: eye 😔

sunaisfoxyfromfnaf: eye 😳

osamuisnotafuckboy: WOAH WOAH WOAH
S U N A?

sunaisfoxyfromfnaf: i'm full homo for you too bro 🥰

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