chapter seventeen - speechless

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"sakusa, bro you made it!" bokuto exclaimed happily. atsumu's eyes widened as he looked up. his jaw dropped. he wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come out. the only thing that did come out of his mouth was,

"omi-kun!," his eyes shined as he stood up. he ran up to him and gave him hug. sakusa on the other hand didn't know what to do. he was being touched by atsumu. the germaphobe in him wanted to push him away, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"good to see you too?" he said as he gently patted his back.

"group hug!" kuroo yelled out. this time he really didn't want to be touched. he tried to back away but atsumu was holding him in his spot. eventually he was squished into the group hug with a disgusted expression visible in his eyes.

they all walked around the mall and went into any store that looked interesting. mikasa, the team's manager was there as well and took any chance she got to make a tik tok.

"bro i'm fucking tired of hearing "yeah i'm freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes" every five fucking minutes,"osamu said annoyed. mikasa stuck her tounge out at him. he rolled his eyes back at her. next to osamu was suna who was quietly singing the song. the gray haired male looked at him with squinted eyes. "seriously?"

"omi-kun that's a lot of hand sanitizer," atsumu lightly chuckled as he looked at the six bottles of hand sanitizer in the cart.

"i only have five bottles left. i need to restock right away," sakusa said determined. atsumu sweat dropped at him. how did he end up falling in love with this man?

they were currently in target in the cleaning products section. there, atsumu saw mini hand sanitizer key chains. you know, those small little key chains were you can put mini hand sanitizers so you don't have to hold them all day or lose them in your purse.

"omi-kun! pick one!" atsumu beamed. sakusa turned around to look at him. he saw that atsumu was referring to the key chains. he cringed at the sight. they were all either animals or too cute. he didn't like cute things. well, there was one exception, but he would never admit it.

"no," sakusa looked away and continued to look for more wipes. atsumu whined until sakusa agreed to choose one.

"cmon omi-kun!" the blonde haired boy tugged on sakusa's arm.







sakusa sighed. "oh my fuck, fine"

"yay!" atsumu happily exclaimed. in the end they both got matching key chains. sakusa's was black and atsumu's was white. the one and main detail it had was a heart that was the color of each others key chain.

when the mall eventually had to close kuroo had an idea.

"ahaha so what if we all went and drove around town in daishou's car as we blast music," everyone looked at daishou to see if he was okay. he snickered

"fuck it, let's go," he agreed. they cheered and made their way to daishou's car. atsumu and sakusa sat all the way in the back of the car alone. just the two of them.

for hours they drove and fooled around. it had been so long since sakusa felt, free. you see, sakusa didn't really ever go out. he isolated himself from the world, but ever since atsumu had come into his life, he felt so, alive.

the windows were open so you could see the city a lot clearer. the wind was strong making it kind of hard for sakusa to open his eyes but he liked it. it was 8pm, the sky was dark and the city lights were on. a head on sakusa's shoulder made him snap out of his trance. it was atsumu. he wasn't asleep but he was tired. atsumu looked up to meet sakusa's dark but beautiful black eyes. he smiled at him. sakusa was taken aback and looked away. he could hear atsumu chuckling at him.

what have you done to me atsumu miya?

sakusa was the last person to be dropped of by daishou. obviuously because they both lived in the same town.

"did you enjoy today?" daishou asked his friend who was now sitting in the passenger seat.

"yes, i did," sakusa admitted.

"i'm glad" daishou smiled.

aAaAAHh. i really enjoyed writing this chapter. a few reminders:
drink water
take care of yourself
it's okay to take breaks.
it's also okay to take small steps at a time.
have a great morning, afternoon, night. with love,
aj <3

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