Ill be by your side

7 0 0

As my crying turned into a sob


Mariah it your dad

Please leave okay

Why can tell em baby girl

I slightly open the door as I took my dad hand I cried harder I soon open the door and I collapsed in my dads arms instead of investigating and I laid in my dads arms as he confront me not knowing the truth of my dark secret

Early next morning I woke with headache fever and felt like I could threw up I went to the bathroom and I threw up and laid my head on the toilet as tears flowed down my face. I'm home I had shut the door


My dad open the door she his daughter hunched over the toilet pick stained pjs. My dad tenderly hand took my neck and send shivers down my spine. He helped me in warm bath to soaked and I rubbed my stomach and baby bump started to form very lightly. I got dressed and hobbled my way to the my bed and fell asleep


What the hell is happening with Mariah

I don't know maybe she has the flu

ZaK I don't think it the flu

I'll be back

ZaK I found think

A pregnancy test

Who this


I don't think so

When would she have sex and she gay

She could be bisexual

We need to talk to her about this

Back to the peacefully sleeping Mariah

I woke to the use the bathroom

I notice the pregnancy test wasn't there

I ran down to the hall

I knocked on GAC headquarters

ZaK looked at me with a face he was pissed off

I went to my room and locked my door and just crawled into a ball and sobbed

ZaK open my door and picked me up and kissed my forehead before closing the door

I sleepy woke up and went on my phone and my dad burst into my room

Sit up


Why was their pregnancy test in the bathroom

I'm pregnant

You got to be kidding me

I'm not dad

Who is the guy

When you went on the international trip I was lonely I invited a guy over we had sex

You telling my daughter who 16 is pregnant

I'm I guess so

You guess you are grounded for a year I don't care I wish I never adopted you

I grab my jacket and ran for the hills


I ran back to my asylum and I found my razor and cut myself and cried a lot


How was the meeting

She ran out of the hotel room I said a messed up thing

Like what

I wish never adopted her

You serious

I feel like a complete idiot

Where is she

I don't know but let her cool before running off to her I feel miserable

First fight never ends will if the parents said a hurtful thing

Oh stop it

I grab her blanket I held to my chest and cried

Back at the asylum I got eerie call from the family lawyer

Hi where are you

The asylum

You need to go to your know you dad escape from prison

I was on the way back when this happens

Hey bade

My abusive grab me and put me in the back of the van

You'll never get away with this ZaK will be here in know time

Good luck with that

The monster took me to the bedroom and he ripped my cloth off and he raped me

Ghost daughter Where stories live. Discover now