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They brought me to this house which was warm and I got food and decent bathroom and new clothes that didn't smell death and a warm bed to call mine

You look exhausted go to bed

I went laid down on my bed and I cried myself to sleep

Early the next morning

Wakey egg and bacon

I sleepy woke up went down stairs and had dog greet me with licks

I made breakfast

Oh sweet

Before you eat you have tell me about your life and the truth

I did

You may want to think again


My mother had a psychotic breakdown and true and committed suicide on my birthday

My father is an active heroine addict right now and is killing him self every time he shots up

Pretty much I was born and I had psychotic breakdown to the point we had five police officers pinned me down to inject me with seizures medicine like that was going to happen then my parents learned I used the oujia board and in my dad drugged mind he had me exorcism

Are for real

The story gets better the priest who performed knew it psychotic break he personal took me to get help and save my life then when my toxicologist report came my dad had put heroine in my drink that drank right before my so call drug overdose

Are for real

Yes I'm not my family crazy

Tell about your sister

Well my sister was with me in asylum she had I believe would be called skitzophrenia she believe she could see the undead. One night I was asleep and we hear blood curdling scream almost like someone had been shot I run out my sister is frozen in place staring at the stairs and she looks at me and mouth grandma because I guess four year before I was born or my family was ever admitted to this asylum my grandma die unexpectedly. The night of that the surgeon took her back aka torture her they lobotomy my sister brain and the next day she killed her self by hanging herself with non other a bed sheet in my dad room. Then she was sexually assault when she went under Anesthesia how I found she had blood on her underwear my mother told me what had happen I almost killed the doctor

What about your brother?

I never had a brother but my mom miscarriage like five of her kids because of lack food nutrients in the asylum but she didn't get pregnant by my father no no she was technician raped by the head surgeon

I feel sick just thinking about someone hurting my precious mother

Do you know the doctor

We call doctor evil he would push the elderly down the stairs he would hit me if I interrupted me

I'm so sorry

Are you happy I just gave you a whole rundown of my family go off make a film about my tragic family life for tv rating

No the question I have would you feel comfortable to do evp  with us so you could get closer for your family?

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