Pulling is different than falling .

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            One term I hate to hear is , fall back. Pulling back , now that's something different altogether.
            You gotta analyze every word nowadays. That's the new scapegoat. Everyone can now say they don't understand the definition. You can read it from the dictionary but you cannot make them understand. Bill Clinton had that problem with the word is. Imma , in , problem child. I ain't certain what the word in means.
            But I understand that Jimmy , once again , is in town. From out of town. So I heard this morning. One thing you'll find in Organized Crime is hope. Right now , folks are hoping that Jimmy from out of town can git me.
           People are the same no .matter where  you fund them. Why , you can put me anywhere and I'm still smoking weed. Don't matter where or how ling it takes to find it. I'm smoking weed at some point.
            It helps when Jimmy shows up. Take the last time he showed up from out of town. All the toughguys in the park made their way to Jimmy's table.
That's him right there , Jimmy. They all pointed me out to him.
            Then he came out of his tent in a cloud of meth smoke and his word was the one they all waited for. His park. That's why Jimmy was here. He couldn't hannle me by himself. Matter of fact , I been teasing them with a 600 dollar bag of marijuana for a week now.
            They swarm around me like they think they are hornets or something. I aint scared of bees. Never have been. I remember working at K mart as a kid. Had storage trailers out back for layaway. Don't go killing them bees , I told the one manager. I'll go in past them , they don't bother me cause I ain't scared of them.
            If they sting me Imma be pissed but I still don't kill them kind if bees. They are not mean. Cept to him. Cause he swatted at them. I just opened the door , said howdy folks , told them what I was doing and I walked in that trailer all the damn time.
            How do you do that? Asked the manager a week or so later. I'm not afraid of those bees. Wasps would be lying in a puddle of poison as soon as I seen them. Never seen a hornets nest.
But these bees don't bother me , whatever they are , I don't know their name.
            Your a little different aren't you?
That's what he asked me? If I thought I was different. Yeah. It's more of a curse than it is a blessing. Being different is.
Everyone attacks you when your different.
            Falling back is the first step in the process of a full blown retreat. Losers retreat. Cowards run.
            Pulling back is the first step in the process of fuck you in your face.
Pulling back is what happens to people like Uriah.
Pulling back is the first step in

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