the FBI in Reese. kinda.

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            2 things you can't do anymore. Robert Mueller changed them both when he was the FBI Director.
            There I was on a Sunday afternoon , just sipping coffee on the front porch. Not many people travel our road. Cept on Sunday of course. The Church sat a couple hundred yards from the house. Most cars I don't recognize only come down our road on Sunday mornings mostly.
            It's kinda horseshoe shaped. Juniata valley road in Hollidaysburg ,Pa is. Ten miles or so long it has a lot of history along it. The canal ran through here back in the 1800's.  Juniata valley road, in spots is actually on top of the filled in canal. During World war 2, gunpowder was made at what the locals call the old powder works.
            On this particular Sunday , none of that mattered. There They come again. Two PT Cruisers. One maroon the other blue. Just a couple minutes apart. They didn't even slow down at the church but they were wearing ties.
            That's two Sundays in a row. What ate they up to , I wondered ? Gotta be looking for Tommy Belinda. But who are they? I checked the time , bout 4:30 pm. Last week was similar , I remembered. Where are they meeting tommy and who the hell are they?
            I sent some texts to my little brother Jake. He never answered them but passed them on to Tommy. Tom Belinda, the King of Organized Crime .
Everyone agrees.
            The next Sunday they came back again. This time I wasn't on the porch.
I rode my bicycle down the road a piece toward Tommies house. One of many that he owns. We call it the trolley house cause there is an electric trolley that takes you across the Frankstown branch of the Juniata river.
            It wasn't long and here come the maroon PT cruiser. He pulled in to the dirt drive that goes back through  the cornfield to the the trolley that's takes you across the river to the house.
            Robert Mueller it turned out to be had pulled into the drive, stopped , then backed up onto jv road again.
I could see he was on his cell phone. Tommy guving him other orders cause I was standing right there at the driveway entrance but across if road.
Don't wanna be trespassing on mob land when the FBI Director is getting his bribe money.
            He drove by 3 dead FBI agents that Tommy murdered already. Plus a missing District Atoorbey name Raymond Gricar. That's the whole reason for his visit. He had found out about the dead Agents cause I wrote him a letter telling him where they were. He contacted Tommy wanting to know how much money he had.
            Of course the reason he kept coming back was cause I'd send him  another letter. Telling him about the DA. I write a letter , Tommy paid meuller to not arrest him.
Fuck the agents. One was buried alive too. Gutshot. Tommy and Ken wertz laughed as they fired up the dozer and covered that coward over. I don't how much Mueller and Vincent Lisi and Shawn wrinkledome got paid for the deaths of many more people than that but I do know that you can't match a picture to a name on the FBI webpage anymore and you cant just put in your brothers phone number and send him constant text messages from the FBI alerts page.
            You can do email but no phone texts. That blows phones up for certain.
But Mueller stopped that cause Craig Grassmeyer , he's retired now. He helped kill the Agents too. And the DA and the 10 year old little girl that is buried under the garage floor.
The Pennsylvania State Police are sacrificing children in the hills of Pa but you can't say nothing cause the FBI is the guilty party. And the PSP. And the DEA. And the ATF. Even the US Marshall's service is in on all this in Pa.
            As long as I shut up and they stick together . They can't be stopped. Ask them. You can't stop them.
I can but you can't .
What is so different about me?
Check the court house.
Check Luke Jelsels reports. Reinvestigate.
You can reinvestigate that  pipe he's lying about.
But you will never touch a blade of grass on 115 lower Reese rd.
That's the blue house and it's mine.
Huh Bob?

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