The best kept secret

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            It was Murphs fault that time. We was always butting heads , me and Murphy were. He hated skunks on his land. Pepe le stink was a stubborn little skunk that lived down over the riverbank a piece.
            He'd come trapesing up through the neighbors yard out front , cause they had that crazy cat what hung out on the back porch. He'd had enough of that one. Hence the trapseing out front instead of just walking down back.
The cat wasn't on a leash but Murphy was.
           So were his 2 stupid brothers , Brewster and Walter Eugene. I know , who ever heard of a dog named Walter Eugene? I lived with him for 6 years so  I feel qualified to tell you.
            But first , you gotta know that Bruce and Walt only got sprayed in the face by pepe le stink one time. Not so Murphy. Like I said already , Murphy does not like skunks at all.
            Last count was 11. Murphy don't like skunks huh? I bought the gallon jugs of fast orange hand cleaner back in those days.
Pump action.
Takes away 90% of the stink of a skunk spraying.
            The skunk would never have to get closer to Murphy than his outstretched nose. That's what he was thinking as he made his way around the front of the Blue House. That's where the Golden Boys lived.
            In the Blue House on Lower Reese Road. They had a run and a yard that any Golden retriever would love to have. Murphy and Bruce were brothers from the same litter. They had papers. Walt was not only a mix breed that looked like a golden retriever but he had a natural herding instinct too.
            Walt , as everyone called him was also 3 years younger than the brothers. And to make matters worse , he was adopted. Sometimes his brothers picked on him but not that skunk didn't. Murphy just hates skunks.
            That's when it happened. That changed everything right there. I came out of the house just in time to prevent me from having to fight with Murphy about the bath he was gonna get right after that damn skunk had his fun at my expense. ( that's on breath on purpose too.)
So I did.
            I was getting leftovers ready for the 3 Golden Boys when I seen that skunk come trapseing up over the river bank and before he passed the Blue house  but after he had already passed the neighbors house. The one with the fat mean cat on the back porch that he don't mess with no more cause the cat aint  on a leash, you see?
            That's exactly , or so it seemed anyway , the moment that it happened and Murphy never did forgive me for compromising with that little skunk pepe le stink.
            I made four paper plates full of leftovers after that day. I carried pepe le stinks across the road like he was royalty , read the declaration. Murphy never did let me forget the day I compromised with a skunk.
            Wasn't long after that , pepe le stink didn't show up for supper anymore. Turns out we weren't the only ones he was playing games with.
            Murphy eventually kinda almost got over it . cept that one time we was arguing something awful. I let him off the leash cause he was pissing me off with the pulling me. He ran right over and rolled in a deer carcass so I could bath him anyway.
Some peoples kids huh?
You should hear the stories that animals tell me.    
            There was this one time on the river and we was near drown in ankle deep water. Floating in a canoe down by buttcrack tree.  So we were.
This Old Racoon name of bristles shows up  and gives a fair warning bout the river conditions. Might rain , he says.
Might not. Hard to say.

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