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We finished our breakfast and headed out for our first lesson. As we were walking to potions I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around. Pansy. "May I help you" I ask.
"Yeah. Stay away from him" she spat at me. "Who?" I ask. "Dracy. He's gonna be mine." She exclaimed. "Don't get your hopes up darling"I say smirking and patting her on the shoulder. "Any I can't 'stay away from him' if we share the same dorm" I say. "WHAT!" She shouts. "Too da loo" I say waving and walking off.

I sit down in potions and I could feel someone tensely staring at me. I look around and see pansy with full anger staring at me. I turn around and listened to Professor Slughorn.
"I'll be putting you into pairs to make your amortentia." He spoke. "Granger and Weasley. Parkinson and Nott... L/n and Malfoy." I roll my eyes. I heard a frustrated growl from pansy.

I sit by malfoy. "Who's gonna get the stuff" I ask. "I'll set up the cauldron and you get the stuff" he says. "Why can't you get the stuff?" I ask. "Because I don't want to it's too far away" he says. "But neither do I" I argue back. "I'll leave you in the dark again" he says smirking. "Hey ! Are you just gonna use that against me now!" I exclaim. "Yep" he says. I roll my eyes and head to the cabinet to get the stuff.

We finished brewing our potion and then we had to write down what we smelt. {fav fruit sent} , freshly cut grass, and something that was familia but I couldn't put my finger on it. While Malfoy went to our some of the stuff back I glimpsed at his paper. {fav shampoo sent} Wait that's what I have. I thought. The class ended and I ran out and tapped Hermione on the shoulder.

"Hermione I need your help. I couldn't find Luna so I came to you" I say quickly. "What happened. Was it something you smelt?" She ask. I shook my head. I dragged her down an empty corridor. "It's something malfoy smelt" I say. Her eyes widened. She got the message.


I walked into the Great hall for a meeting. We had the prefects say down in front of me and Draco. Malfoy not Draco. "So anyone got any ideas for the theme?" Malfoy asked. "Book themed" someone said. "How would that work?" I asked. They shrugged. What do they except me to go as a fucking potion bottle. I thought to myself. "Masquerade ball" Hermione suggested. "I agree with that" I exclaim. "House pride" a Hufflepuff said. "Any other ideas" I asked. No one said anything. Right let's have a vote.
Masquerade won.

"Right Hufflepuff , you guys can get the music. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw can get decorations. Us two and Slytherins can get the word out" Malfoy says. Everyone agreed and the meeting had ended.

I was walking with Malfoy back to the room. Then he spoke to break the silence "I never asked. What did you smell with the amortentia" "I don't fully know, I couldn't put my finger on it. It was familia tho." I say. "What about Draco?" "Uhh" he went slightly red "Wait did you just call me draco?" He asked smirking. "That's your name innit" I say.

I sat down in the common room for a bit, Malfoy comes down and says "one of the Hufflepuff's hurt themselves so we have to do there duty" he says. "We? Or can't you just do it?" I ask. "Nope anyway it will be fun to watching you being scared" he say smirking. I glared at him and got up out of my seat "ok then let's go" I say.

We walked for a bit and then we found someone. "Pansy what are you doing wondering the corridors" he asks. "I came you visit you" she says "what are you - oh what are you doing here" she scowls at me. "I'm doing my job." I spat at her. "Alright no need for a cat fight at night" draco start. "Ha that rhymed" I laugh. "Not the time" I say. Dr- Malfoy managed to get Pansy back to the Slytherin common room and we headed back. "What is it with you and pansy" he asks. "Huh. Well to be honest I think it's over you." I say. He raises his eyebrows. "Not like that" I add. "What's it like then?" He asks. "I don't know to be fully honest with you. She comes at me so I protect myself" I say.

We walk into the common room. "It's been eventful I'm off to bed." I say. "Night y/n" he says. "Night. Wait y/n huh?" I say smirking. "What about it?" He asks. "You've never ever called me y/n and I've called you draco here and there?" I say raising my eyebrows. "It's your name isn't it" He says in a mocking voice. I roll my eyes and head to my room.

That day was weird!

Hey guys soz this one is quite short but I wanna our this chapter our so here it is. I hope you like it please vote 😂😂 stay gorgeous
P x

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