Does he?

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Y/n's Pov

I didn't bother to look who had helped me I just ran off to the toilets. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes started tearing up. I sat down against the wall and tried to slow my heart and breathing down. What had just happened. Suddenly Hermione came into the toilets.

"Omg y/n are you ok?" She asks. "Does it looks like it?" I say making a joke out of it. "It was a bit of a stupid question" she admitted. I nodded. "What happened?" She asked. "I don't know." I replied "it all happened so quickly." "You know who protected you right?" She asked smirking. I shook my head. "You little lover" she whispered and giggled. I smacked her lightly. "Wait did he really?" I asked. She nodded. "I think someone else has a crush" she said raising her eyebrows. I roll my eyes. "I don't think so" I reply. "Just you wait" she says smirking "come on let's get you back to your room" she says offering me her hand. I take her hand and we start to walk back.

He couldn't possibly like me back I thought.

Draco's Pov
(Before hermiones and your talk)

I was walking down the halls. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I heard someone shout. I new that voice. I start to walk faster. "Please leave me alone" I hear them say with fear in there voice. Y/N. I ran down the hall and I saw a Slytherin with his arms around her. Tears were streaming down her face. "SHE SAID DON'T TOUCH HER" I yelled and pushed him off her. I turn around to see if she was alright but she had run off. "What is wrong with you" I spat. "Protecting you girlfriend malfoy" he sneered. I punched him in the face. Blood started to our from his noise. He sprinted off.

I went it look for y/n and I saw her exit the girls bathroom Granger . I decided to leave her with Granger. I'm probably the last person she wants to see I thought to myself and headed off to my room.

A few hours later.

I came out my room to see Granger and Lovegood leaving. Y/n waved them goodbye and turned around. "Hey" I say. "Hi" she replies quietly. "Are you ok from earlier?" I ask. She simply nods. I can tell she isn't fully ok. I say down. "Thank you" she says breaking the silence. "For what" I questioned. "Earlier. Hermione told me what you did" she looks up and smiles. "No one should be treated like that" I say.

Y/n's PoV.

"You can stay here while I do rounds" he says walking to the portrait. "No I'll come as well I can't let you do everyone single one" I reply smiling slightly. He nods.

We walk outside the portrait. "Maybe we should go together" he suggested. I shook my head. "No because I will never get over my fear if not" I replied. He simply nodded. We parted ways.

"Lumos" I whispered. I knew I would meet draco in the middle so he shouldn't be behind me.

A little later on

I middle must be soon I thought. I started to hear footsteps behind me. I started to walk a little fast. I quickly looked behind me. Nothing. I saw a light coming from the opposite way. I hoped it was draco. I heard a crash from behind me. My fast walked turned into a jog. Then I saw draco. "Thank merlin your there" I say out of breath. "Why what happened" he asked worried. "There were noises behind me and i don't know what it was and there was nothing an-" I say quickly. "Hey hey calm down" he says putting his hands on my shoulders. "Well walks back that way" he says. I nod.

We got back to the common room and we saw nothing while walking. "Hey are you ok?" Draco asks. "Yeah just freaked out. We saw nothing" I say. "Let's change the subject" he says smiling slightly. Not smirking. Smiling? Is kinda cute. No y/n stop thinking about that. "Uhh y/n" i got snapped out of my thoughts. I jumped a little. "Sorry what?" I ask. "You went into like a daze" he said a little worried. "I'm fine just thinking" I say. "Ok? So have we done everything for the remembrance ball?" He asked. " I believe so." I reply "I need to get a dress for it though." "Well I think you will look stunning on the night" he says. I can feel my cheeks heat. "Thank you draco" I say smiling. "W-well I'm o-off to bed" he stuttered. "Night draco" I say blushing. "Night" he replies and walks to bed. I take a cushion and put it on my face.

"What are you doing to me draco malfoy" I whisper.

I get up and walk to bed and almost instantly fall asleep.

Hey guys sorry this is late I've been on holiday. I'll update the other draco x reader I'm doing. Also I might start a New book ❄️ because who doesn't love a ❄️🌨 story.

Stay gorg x
P x

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