Chapter 12

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this and give suggestions for other stories (they have to be stranger things related) thank you and enjoy!!

"This is more of the same." Joyce sighed retuning with more drawings.

She took some of her pile and handed them to you before giving the rest to Hopper.

Hopper inspected each drawing. "Its nothing its just scribbles."

"Wait." Joyce said stopping him as he looked through the pile, she pointed at a black line at the top of the paper. "These black lines." She grabbed a paper from the pile next to her and put it on top of Hopper paper, the lines seemed to connect with each other. "Look they connect." Joyce looked ta the both of you, Hopper sat there examining the paper. "They connect." Joyce repeated.

"Holy mother of god they do." You mumbled.

Hopper stood up and pushed the coffee table back to the wall, you and Joyce spread out all the papers across the floor and you began sorting them as if they were a puzzle. Joyce went back and forth collecting more papers from Will, she ended up giving him some baking paper since they were running out of normal paper. You had to grab some tape from the kitchen to stick park of the puzzle onto the sofa so it could continue.

It took you all a while, but you managed to use each and every piece. The pile in Will's room was getting bigger but you had finished what you had so far. It lead all around the icing room and up a few tables and lamps, you, Hopper and Joyce stared in amazement at the puzzle wedding what it was.

"Does this mean anything to you both?" Hopper questioned.

"No." You and Joyce sighed.

"I mean is it some sort of maze or road?" Joyce suggested. "I mean its sort of forking and branching like... like lighting."

"You think its that storm?" Hopper asked referring to Will's drawing of the shadow monster.

"No the storm he drew was completely different." Joyce started.

"He used red." You finished.

"Thank you y/n. And this is all blue and some weird dirt colour. I mean maybe its roots. Cause remember he was saying it was spreading an-" Joyce started.

"Killing." Hopper finished, he seemed to know something you didn't. "He said the were killing." Hopper grabbed his hat and ran out of the house and drove off.

"Do you know what he meant?" You asked.

"No..." Joyce mumbled.

It had been a few hours and Hopper still didn't return. You and Joyce continued putting the papers together, it leaded up the walls and around the rooms. You stuck the last paper from your pile on the wall with tape and stood back and admired Will's talent.

"Sweetie you done in the kitchen?" Joyce called from the dining room.

You blinked a few times to get back in reality. "Yeah I'm done. Do you need any help?"

"Just maybe sticking some more up in here please." She replied.

You entered the dining room, Joyce was stood on her toes on a chair holding up a piece of baking paper to the wall. "Can you just get some tape please?"

"Yeah sure." You rushed over to the table and brought a chair over and stuck the paper up.

"Thanks y/n. Thanks for coming to help today." Joyce said getting down from the chair.

"No problem I like helping." You replied.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Hello?!" You heard Mike's voice call. "Will?! Y/n?!"

"I'll just tell him its not the best time." Joyce said walking off to the door.

Joyce opened the door slightly so Mike couldn't see inside the house. "Hey Mike."

"Is y/n or Will here?" Mike questioned.

"You know what, now isn't really a good time." Joyce sighed.

"Are they okay?" Mike questioned.

Joyce sighed, she closed the door and talked with Mike outside. After some time she walked back in with Mike behind her.

"Hey y/n i got worried when you didn't come in today, are you alright?" Mike asked walking over to you.

"Yeah I'm fine Mike." You responded.

"What is all this?" Mike questioned looking around.

"Why don't you two talk to Will?" Joyce suggested. "Hang on." She walked into Will's room and after a few seconds walked out to let you and Mike in. (So Umm ive been writing this on my IPad and Ive been using a Bluetooth keyboard so not the one on the screen one to go with the iPad, and well it broke ;-; so now I have to type like a normal person and it's killing me lol I'm gonna make 10 times more spelling errors so sorry ;-;)

Will had stopped drawing, the pile in his room had been moved to the living room by Joyce and she continued to put them together. Will sat looking at you on his bed, he had his pyjama shirt and pants on and was covered in sweat.

"Hey Will. Mike's here to see you." You said softly. "Are you hot?" You questioned.

Will nodded his head and you walked over and opened his window at the end of his bed and the one behind his desk.

"Hey Will how are you?" Mike asked.

"I'm okay." Will mumbled.

"Why weren't you at school today?" Mike questioned.

Will took a deep breath, then he started to tell you and Mike everything that had happened, even before you got there.

Thank you for reading! That was 942 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next part will be ready soon!😁

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