Chapter 27

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this and give suggestions for other stories (they have to be stranger things related) thank you and enjoy!!

When you arrived many cars were there already which meant you could be late.

"Right y/n you make whoever's at that sign in desk think El can go in okay." Hopper said parking the car.

"Alright." You answered.

"Right have fun okay." He said turning to you and Eleven.

"We will." Eleven said opening the car door.

You both got out and walked up to the gym doors.

"You ready?" You asked her. She smiled and nodded her head. "Right lets go."

As you opened the door you saw Mr. Clarke at the sign in desk.

"Hello y/n. Looking lovely today." He said smiling at you.

"Hello Mr. Clarke." You smiled back, you put your hand slightly behind your back and twitched your fingers and you and Mr. Clarke under your control.

"Enjoy." He said and you and Eleven walked over to the doors.

You both looked through the windows and you saw the rest of the party.

"Oh my god El!" You whispered.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Look at Dustin's hair!" You giggled.

You both laughed until Lucas looked up to the doors and you both quickly bent down. You still had Mr. Clarke under your control so everything was fine. As you and Eleven bent down you could hear the slow dance song begin to play. You both stood up and looked through the window and watched as Max walked of with Lucas and a random girl came up to Will. You could tell she was asking him to dance and you felt your fists clench. You changed her emotions and she blurted out in tears and ran off. You smirked at Eleven and you both started laughing.

"Right I'm going in first and I'll signal for you to come over okay? Don't worry he's still under my control." You said pointing to Mr. Clarke who was grading some tests.

"Okay." Eleven agreed.

You walked through the blue and white balloons and over to Nancy who was serving punch.

"Hey y/n. You look beautiful." She said pouring you a glass.

"Thanks Nancy, you too." You smiled.

You looked around and saw Mike and Will sat at a table talking and Dustin by himself clearly looking for someone to dance with.

"Hey Nancy." You whispered.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Dustin needs your help." You smiled.

"Yeah I saw I'll go now." She said walking over.

As you drank your punch someone tapped on your shoulder, when you turned around you saw Troy. 'Son of a bitch.' You thought.

"Hey y/n want to dance?" He said holding out his hand.

"Not really no." You answered.

"You have to dance with someone." He said his face dropping.

"See Troy the word someone, to me eliminates you." You replied.

He sighed and walked off leaving you with a smirk. You poured another glass of punch and brought it to Eleven.

"When you finish your punch come in okay. Give everyone some time to pair up, and Mike is waiting for you." You smiled and her face filled with blush.

You walked back in and you caught eyes with Mike, he whispered to Will and Will looked at you. His jaw slightly dropped you walked through everyone dancing up to Mike and Will.

"Hey boys." You said.

"Hey y/n." Mike smiled.

"Um y/n." Will said standing up.

"Yeah." You replied.

"Do you want to, i mean would you like to-" Will stuttered. "Would you like to dance!" He blurted out.

"Of course." You smiled, he looked at you in shock like he expected you to say something else. "Come on." You said taking his hand, you walked with him to the middle of the gym and everyone stared at you both.

"Oh my god that's zombie boy." You heard multiple people whisper.

You stopped in the middle and instead of putting your hands on his shoulders you put them around his neck and Will put his hands on your hips. You could tell he was nervous.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Will stuttered.

You looked past Will and saw Mike stand up and look at the door, you looked behind you to see him looking at El, you smiled as you watched them walk up to each other.

"Hey y/n?" Will said.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"You look really pretty." He smiled.

"Thank you. You look great too." You blushed.

"Thank you." Will smiled. "And also thank you."

"For what?" You asked.

"For getting rid of the Mind Flayer." He responded.

"No problem." You smiled.

Will held your hand and spun you around and you put your arms back around his neck. You both couldn't stop smiling, you looked around and saw Dustin and Nancy dancing, Max and Lucas dancing and El and Mike dancing. You watched as Max leaned in and kissed Lucas and El and Mike did the same. Then a hand moved your chin in a certain direction. Will smirked as you both start leaning in. Everything was perfect. You saw a few heads had turned with shock and amazement. He kissed you for a few seconds. You both slowly pulled away from each other smiling brightly.

"You know, I've wanted to do that since 2nd grade." Will whispered in your ear.

"I know. I can read minds you know." You said smirking.

His face went red with embarrassment. "Shit." he muttered.

"Don't worry. Your the only mind I bother reading." You smiled.

He blushed as he leaned in and kissed you again. When you both pulled away you were both stuck with a permanent smile.

Now everything was really just perfect, the Mind Flayer was gone. All was well this time. Or so you thought.

Thank you for reading! OH MY GOD THIS BOOK TOOK ME AN ETERNITY TO FINISH! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM TO BE ON SEASON 3! *cough* anyway- that was 1021 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next book will be out soon :) Get ready, this one gets good.

Check out Season 3! Its almost fully finished! <3

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