Chapter 19

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this and give suggestions for other stories (they have to be stranger things related) thank you and enjoy!!

Doctor Owens marked down a map of the lab on some blank pieces of paper. "Look this is us, and this is the nearest exit. But even if we somehow make it there, there's no way out." Owens finished.

"What do you mean?" Hopper questioned.

"The locks are fail secure." Owens said.

"Fail secure?" Joyce asked.

"If there's a power outage, the building goes on full lockdown." Owens explained.

"Can it be unlocked remotely?" Bob questioned.

"With a computer sure. But somebody's gotta reset the breakers." Owens answered.

"Where are the breakers?" Hopper asked.

"Breakers are in the basement. Three floors down." Owens said pointing at a point on the map.

Hopper grabbed the papers and headed to the door. "Hey where are you going?" Bob questioned.

"To reset the breakers." Hopper answered.

"Okay then what?" Bob asked.

"Then we get the hell out of here." Hopper replied.

"No then the power comes back on. If you wanna unlock the doors you have to reboot the computer system, and then override the security codes with a manual input." Bob said.

Hopper looked at him confused. "Fine, how do I do that?" He questioned.

"You can't. Not unless you know BASIC." Bob replied.

"I don't know what that means." Hopper answered.

"It's a computer programming language." Mike added.

"Teach it to me." Hopper ordered to Bob.

"Shall I teach you French while I'm at it Jim? How about a little German?" Bob said sarcastically, he turned around to Owens. "How about you Doc? You speak BASIC?"

"No." Owens sighed.

"Okay. I got this." Bob mumbled. "I got this."

"No Bob." Joyce said silently walking over to him.

"It's okay." Bob said pulling her in for a hug. "It's gonna be okay. Remember, Bob Newby, superhero." Bob said slightly chuckling.

Bob and Hopper left the room, they went to get a guns from a dead security guard, soon after Hopper came back in with a large machine gun.

"He's on his way." Hopper said to you all.

"Right. Now we wait." Owens said as he sat down at the table.

"Kids I'm so sorry you got brought into this." Joyce said to you and Mike.

"It ok Mrs. Byers." Mike answered.

"Trust me it's fine." You added.

A few minutes later the lights and the TV screens flickered back on, you all walked to the screens and saw Bob flipping switches.

"He made it." Mike mumbled.

Owens pressed a button on a microphone and fiddled with some switches. "Ok Bob can you hear us?"

"Loud and clear Doc. Can you hear me back?" Bob replied.

"Yeah we hear you alright." Owens answered. Bob walked over to a computer and started typing.

"Alright give me a minute." Bob said.

He started typing, you couldn't see what but you knew he was rebooting the system.

Bob grabbed his walkie. "Open sesame." He said. You saw in another screen the front doors had unlocked.

"It's open." Owens said to you all.

"Son of a bitch did it." Hopper said to himself.

"Right I'll meet you outside." Bob said and started walking out the room.

"Guys." You said.

"What is it?" Mike asked.

You pointed at the stairs you all needed to take, one of the monsters was there.

"West stairwells not clear." Owens mumbled.

"What's going on?" You heard Bob ask.

"We've got some company." Owens replied.

"Where?" Bob asked.

"West stairwell." Owens replied.

"I got an idea." Bob said, he ran back to the computer and started typing again.

Suddenly the sprinklers stared going off in the east side of the hospital, you saw the creature run off to see what had happened.

"Okay that worked." Owens said amazed. "Now get out of there."

Hopper picked up Will and put him over his shoulder, and started heading for the door.

"Wait a second Chief." Owens said getting up, he passed Hopper a walkie. "Take this."

"What are you doing?" Hopper questioned.

"Any more surprises I'll let you know." Owens smiled. "Go. Go!"

Hopper walked out the room holding the gun, you, Mike and Joyce followed after him. You were ready just in case your powers were needed.

You walked down a hallway and made it to the front doors, you all ran out but Joyce stayed and waited for Bob.

Suddenly you heard Joyce screaming, you ran back in to see Bob on the ground with one of those things on him. It put its clawed hand into Bob's side, you focused as hard as you could and managed to get control of it. It shook its head trying to break free of you, as you got it to slowly come of Bob more of them burst through the doors. You tried to gain control of the others but it was too strong, instead you made the one you had control of pounce on them. You tried running over to Bob but you lost focus of the creature you had control over, as they tried running to you Hopper ran in and started firing at them. They all screeched at you and some went onto Bob. Hopper grabbed Joyce who was fighting to get to Bob, Hopper dragged you out the doors and you saw Bob reaching out to you all. You flung the glass doors shut and the monsters tried getting through.

"What happened?!" Mike exclaimed holding Will, Joyce cried in Hopper's arms. Suddenly a car pulled up, in the drivers seat was Jonathan.

"Get in!" He exclaimed, you all ran to get into the car. You looked back at the creatures trying to get to you all, in the corner you saw the one you had control of killing Bob.

Jonathan speeded down the exit and Hopper was behind you all in his car. When Jonathan left the gates you saw, Max, Lucas, Dustin and to your surprise, Steve Harrington waiting for you all. You watched as they climbed into the back of Hopper's car and you turned to Mike. Tears started slowly coming out of your eyes, Mike pulled you closer and you cried while he stroked your hair.

'It's my fault that Bob is dead.' You thought to yourself.

Thank you for reading! That was 1071 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter is ready! 😁

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