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A white haired girl wove throughout the busy street of the market place. She was trying to lose the guards chasing her. This white haired girl was of royalty and she wasn't permitted to go into the village without at least two guards watching her every move even though she could take care of herself. The moment she saw that the market started getting crowded she made a break for it. She was fast on her feet and she was small and she used her stature to her advantage. She ducked into different alleyways to lose her pursuers. She was just about to make a left turn when suddenly. BAM!

"Hey watch where you're going!"

She noticed that she had knocked over someone, a white haired boy. He had dropped his groceries when she ran into him. She scurried to help him pick his things up. She was occasionally looking behind her to see if they caught up with her.

"What's the big idea?" The boy snatched the natto from her hands. She gathered the remaining things and she saw the pursuers. The boy noticed the nervousness and tears gathering at the corners of the girls eyes. "Hey what's the matter?"

She lied through her teeth, "I'm being chased by bad people." She pointed over to two large adults in the crowd. They were scanning the streets for her. The boy looked surprised and grabbed his groceries and her hand.

"C'mon hurry up!" He loudly whispered to her. The two of them ducked around the corner and escaped the two large men. The two stopped running when they hit a house sort of isolated from the village.

"Thanks." She breathed out. The boy didn't reply and he just entered the house from the open screen door. She didn't really know what to do so she followed him into the house.

"Granny, I got the groceries!" He yelled into the room.

"Coming," an old squeaky voice called over, "Oh who do we have here?"

"My name is Sayuri Igarashi, it's a pleasure to meet your." Sayuri bowed with elegance to the elder.

"Oh-ho-ho you're so polite." Granny smiled and started to unpack the groceries from the bag.

"Thank you very much for saving me, uh I never got your name." Sayuri bowed formally once again towards the boy.

"Toshiro Hitsugaya." He was kind of shy; he didn't know how to respond to such a formal bow.

"Shiro-chan?" a cute voice called out from outside. Oh, there's someone else too! Hi my name is Momo Hinamori, nice to meet you!" Hinamori waved to Sayuri. Sayuri bowed to the girl as well.

"I'm Sayuri Igarashi."

"Bed wetter Momo," Toshiro smirked. Hinamori grew frustrated and started yelling at Toshiro. A few neighboring kids came over to see the commotion.

"Gross there's another white haired freak!" A boy pointed and started laughing at Sayuri and Toshiro and the other kids joined as well. When did kids get so rude? Sayuri thought crossing her arms.

"Hey that's rude!" Hinamori started scolding the kids for laughing and being mean. Sayuri looked over at Toshiro, and he was obviously bothered about name calling and having someone defend him, but he tried not to show it.

"Bakudo 1: Sai." Sayuri whispered under her breath. The kids quickly had their arms restrained behind their back and some even fell over struggling to get unstuck.

"What's going on?" One of the kids screamed. Sayuri thought that she had done enough and released the kids. The children scampered away and Sayuri couldn't help laughing. Her laugh was contagious. Her green and blue eyes squinted and her nose scrunched adorably. Toshiro couldn't help but stare at her.

Frozen Storm: A Toshiro Hitsugaya Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now