College Applications

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Ari POV:
It's been a few weeks since Gray left, we enjoyed our anniversary. We watched some movies cuddled up enjoying our last days together before he had to leave. Now I've been focused on submitting college applications. Me and Isa have been working on them together, we know we might not go to the same college but we figured we'd be together during this time.
"Are you done with your personal statement?" I ask Isa as we sit on at the table on our laptops answering questions and uploading our information.
"Yes, I went to the college and career center, they looked over it. Said it was a really good one" she responds. "Did you?"
"Yeah Ethan and Gray looked it over for any typos and then I took it to the center they said it was good."
"Okay I think we're good for now" Isa says as she shuts down her laptop.
"Yeah we've been at it for a few hours"
"So where are you applying to?"
"UCI, UCLA,UCSB, USC, that's it really" I respond we are both really good students and have been able to maintain great gpa's since forever. We also participated in many extra curriculares so hopefully we get in.
"Cool I'm applying to UCLA, UCSB, UCI, Sac state, and sf state. Your sticking to the LA area aren't you?"
"I wanna be closer to him. Plus all those schools are good so yeah"
"I'm home" my mom yells walking in.
"Hey Mom" I say.
"Hey Tia" Isa says.
"How's the applications?" She asks.
"Good. We worked for a few hours decided to call it a day" Isa says.
"Okay well I'm gonna go call Gray for a bit" I say and grab my phone and click his contact.
"Hello my beautiful girlfriend" he says coming on the line.
"Hello my handsome boyfriend" I say sitting down.
"How was your day?"
"Good. We worked on college apps for a while so we're almost done with them"
"That's great babygirl"
"Yeah now we gotta finish submit and wait. I'm nervous bubs" I say.
"Don't be. You're an amazing student you'll get in" he says.
"I hope you. Okay now how was your day?" I ask.
"Well Ethan and I might have switched credit cards for a video"
"How bad was it"
"He bought 2 robo vacuums, a dinasour sprinkler, and a blinged our panther" he says.
"Ohhhhh bubs. I'm sorry. What did you buy"
"A karaoke set, the most expensive toaster oven I could find, and I turned the backyard into a water park."
"Not bad Babe not bad" I say smiling.
"Thank you"
"Now keep the water park up for next time I come" I say laughing.
"I will" he says laughing, we continue to talk for about 2 hours before we hang up.

——2 weeks later——
"And Submit" me and Isa say as we click submit on our college apps.
"Oh my god. Dude we're college applicants now" I say.
"Now we stress" Isa says and we fist bump.
"We'll deal with it" I say.
"Together" she finishes.

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